Molasses or Pure Sugar invrease yield??


is it true that putting molasses or pure sugar in ph balanced water will increase your yield?? ive heard so many different things that its starting to make my head spin!! can someone giv it to me straight?!


Well-Known Member
molasses feed the microorganisms in your soil boosting their ability to turn organic materials into food for the root system to absorb...that's in a nutshell how it works ;)


Well-Known Member
What massah said. Feed the micro organisms, they in turn poop, and your plants eat. Also a good source of iron, magnesium, and calcium.
I have also read that it is possable to inject simple sugars into the phloem to give a plant bud building boost. I would be a skeptic of this, but I read it here: (botom of page 214)
Ed Rosenthal isn't a newbie to this. When I began growing in 1989, Rosenthal's handbooks were widely regarded as the best around. His guides are backed up by lots of sited research. If I had read this from anyone else save a handfaull of others, I would have scoffed. However, it seems possible, however impractical.

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