
Active Member
Hi there, just finished my first aeroponic grow (sprinkler not mister) and am gonna try to aim for a bigger yield this time around.

I have been hearing alot of people talk about molasses...

My question is are there any molasses i can use to increases the flavour and/or yield?

Any advice is welcome, i have seen alot of threads where people have been asking this question but no answers : (



Active Member
if your growing in organic siol then molasas has been known to add a little weight to the buds,I can tell you first hand do not put it in hydro I put it in my dwc and it foamed up and messed up my ph you have been warned,there are additives that work the same that are made for hydro stick to them


Plants do not absorb carbohydrates (sugars) through their roots.

When adding molasses to soil and soilless mixes, it supplies food to beneficial microorganisms that do all sorts of things from breaking down soil particles into things the plant can absorb, to attaching to the roots and creating small threads that absorb more nutrients.

The aerobic environment in the root zone in a soil grow will help these microorganisms grow, and the molasses acts as food for them, NOT for the plant directly.

In hydroponics, microorganisms are generally kept at a minimal. The foam caused in DWC when you add molasses is being created by the microorganisms that you began breeding when you added the sugar.

Theoretically, carbohydrate additives could be beneficial in an organic hydro grow, if biofilters and protein skimmers were used. But that's a whole other discussion.

Bottom line...

For your average hydro grow, do not add carbohydrates such as molasses.