Molasses in a DWC?


Active Member
New grower, First grow. I'm at about week 8 of a nice large sativa getting into the final weeks of flowering. I've been reading a lot about molasses in soil grows but haven't heard a thing about using it in a hydro (dwc) system. Does it blend in water? will it cause prolems with my water pump? will it be effective? can it even be done?

Also, Is there anything to improve my stem strength other than using steaks that wouldnt be too late to do?
i'm already decreasing temps, humidity, and increasing the co2. any nute or trick to it?



Well-Known Member
i dont beleive you can use molasses in hydro..

its to thick...and your resv..

is not hot enough to desolve it to let it

get worked around in their..

but i.d.k for sure


Well-Known Member
ya, you are right, don't use it with hydro. It gunks everything up from anyone I've heard that's tried it. There are some products out there like clearex that are designed to pull the salts out of your plants, and equiptment, and there is natural sugars in it.. would in essence accomplish the same thing, but designed for the set up.. there may be others out there, I'm new at it, but that's what I have for my first run.