Modified Rdwc


I just built a rdwc waterfall system with 18 gallon resovoirs and was wondering if anyone knows if there's any benefit to adding soaking rings above the net pots or adding high pressure sprayers inside the resovoirs? Will this increase growth rates or yeild?


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unnecessary imo. more points of failure, minuscule to no benefit. good current and aeration are all youll need, and it sounds like youve got that covered
I run a 4 tote17 gal UC setup and my girls thrive with just a pair of waterfalls in the upstream tote. This cycle, I am going to add small 3/8" jets in the other three totes to see if it has any effect.
I really think smaller 4 gal square buckets for each plant is better so your water gets exchanged quicker. But there's lots of people here using the bigger totes to hold 2-4 plants.
I run a 4 tote17 gal UC setup and my girls thrive with just a pair of waterfalls in the upstream tote. This cycle, I am going to add small 3/8" jets in the other three totes to see if it has any effect.
A waterfall in each site is definitely the way to go.
I really think smaller 4 gal square buckets for each plant is better so your water gets exchanged quicker. But there's lots of people here using the bigger totes to hold 2-4 plants.
Hey Airwalker,

Do you ever run into issues with root clogging with those smaller 4 gallon buckets? I’m sure you’ve got it figured out so how do you avoid it?
Hey Airwalker,

Do you ever run into issues with root clogging with those smaller 4 gallon buckets? I’m sure you’ve got it figured out so how do you avoid it?
I'm in a 4X8X6.5' tent. Plants just don't get big enough to caus issues. Sure they'll grow down into the pipes, sometimes extending clear to the res, but certainly not clogging it.

Like I've stated before, 3" bulkheads used, almost guarantees no problems. But the 2" work great too.