Moby Dick - 150w HPS Closet Grow

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Hey all!

As you can see I'm growing Dinafem Moby Dick. It was a freebie I picked up from another order, but looks to be pretty good for an indoor grow. It's a mix of white widow x haze. :bigjoint:

I'm growing in Fox farm ocean forest soil with BMO organic nutrients (grow it green for veg and flower power for flowering). I have one cfl, 2 fluoros and the hps sitting in good proximity.

I'm only growing one plant this time around so I am hoping to get a decent yield from her. I'm currently in kind of small pots, should I switch over to something larger?

I am also having a nute problem. Lower leaves are turning yellow in veg... I flushed it pretty well about 2 weeks ago and just recently did a moderately high nute dose to hopefully correct my lack of nitrogen. The grow it green is 5-2-5. I also added some dolomite lime to the soil to correct any pH issues.

The closet holds about 75-85 degrees and I have some water in there to help keep the humidity up. I foilar water every days as well.

The pics help show an idea of what I'm rockin, drop a comment and help me figure out these questions. Thanks!





I got a freebie of the same that NEVER fully germinated and I was wanting to try that strain so bad but was turned off by the fact that the seed cracked but never came up from the rockwool/soil.

All the others of various types came up EXCEPT that one and was a big disappointment. Let me know how that turns out for you so I can decide if it's worthy of me getting.

I think I'm going for Nirvana's Blue Mystic Fem-AK-48 Fem-and possibly Wonder Woman Fem or White Widow Fem , DNA's Rocklock, and a couple others that are fem seeds and hidden so I won't put them out there until after I can order mine without them being out of stock.

Please keep me posted as to how that MobyDick turns out. The description reads like it is the shiznizzlebampowpizzlealiboomiyay! <==dankness!

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I got a freebie of the same that NEVER fully germinated and I was wanting to try that strain so bad but was turned off by the fact that the seed cracked but never came up from the rockwool/soil.

All the others of various types came up EXCEPT that one and was a big disappointment. Let me know how that turns out for you so I can decide if it's worthy of me getting.

I think I'm going for Nirvana's Blue Mystic Fem-AK-48 Fem-and possibly Wonder Woman Fem or White Widow Fem , DNA's Rocklock, and a couple others that are fem seeds and hidden so I won't put them out there until after I can order mine without them being out of stock.

Please keep me posted as to how that MobyDick turns out. The description reads like it is the shiznizzlebampowpizzlealiboomiyay! <==dankness!
Dude sorry to hear that your seed was crap. I was just bored one day and germed mine successfully and figured I'd start a mini setup for fun again.

Sounds like a few great strains you have on that list so far. I'm really excited for Moby D to flower because the white widow in her should be awesome to watch :weed:

This will probably be where I post my pics of changes in growth so hop on the ride and let's see where Moby D goes. I know tons of people got it as a freebie from the tude and are curious to see what it has in it. I've heard good things about Dinafem and so far I am pleased.


ps. I'm a little worried about the size of my container and the size of Moby D in flowering... yet have been too lazy to find a larger container around haha


Dude sorry to hear that your seed was crap. I was just bored one day and germed mine successfully and figured I'd start a mini setup for fun again.

Sounds like a few great strains you have on that list so far. I'm really excited for Moby D to flower because the white widow in her should be awesome to watch :weed:

This will probably be where I post my pics of changes in growth so hop on the ride and let's see where Moby D goes. I know tons of people got it as a freebie from the tude and are curious to see what it has in it. I've heard good things about Dinafem and so far I am pleased.


ps. I'm a little worried about the size of my container and the size of Moby D in flowering... yet have been too lazy to find a larger container around haha
..ideal would be a 3gal container. Remember that the more room the roots have to grow in search for water that is also means your plant will grow bigger and have bigger buds as well. What nutrients are you using? Foxfarm Ocean Soil here, Grow Big while in veg and I also have some Tiger Bloom & Big Bloom for Flowering.
I might just bite the bullet and order 6 of those Moby's just for a keepsake and run those my cycle after next.


Well-Known Member
Nice I'm doing a similar one plant setup. Mystery purple strain bagseed 9 days old now, subscribed

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Nice I'm doing a similar one plant setup. Mystery purple strain bagseed 9 days old now, subscribed
Good to hear. The one plant setup is fun! It may not be the highest yielding method or most practical for many heavy smoking potheads, but a great hobby. It's easy to keep it a secret and fun to watch the stages. Best of luck on the purple strain, they are some of my faves (love that berry flavor)

I'm approaching 4 weeks veg now, but have been through some issues recently so mine is a little stunted on growth, but still trooping. I'm hoping to be in flowering within the next week (my favorite time in growing). Best of luck and hope to see some pix of yours when she gets a little older


Well-Known Member
Ya this will be my third grow, first time did two, last time did 6, and I like workin with one cuz I get to know her (fingers crossed) a little better. I shuld be able to get sum pics with my phone sumday. I made the mistake of getting the cheap hyponex soil tho and it gets nice and crusty so I have a little aerater (long thin nails) that I push down along the outer edge of the pot to help(til the roots get to big). And the pot size that has always worked for me is 5 gallons, the roots start poking out the bottom a couple weeks before its done but I just try to keep em in fresh water and have done fine(and actually this time I put my main pot in a nother one with a little soil in it to hopefully avoid that prob). And I cant tell if yours looks overwaterd or heat stress or underwaterd. post sum update pics. I was also thinkin bout doin uncle bens topping to get 4 colas but not sure yet and have never topd or trained a plant so a little nervous about it

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben's methods are great and I've recently asked him for some help. He knows a lot and if your considering topping then I would recommend it!

Maybe about a week ago I was high as hell and over nuted my girl with 1/3 ounce to about 4 dixies full of water and it burned the hell out of my plants tiny root hairs. To top it off she was wilted because a lack of water before hand and because I recently readjusted my lighting setup the room got over 90 degrees.... All of these factors bum fucked her over and she's been in recovery for the past week. Soils flushed and she just got another super light nute dose of grow it green(5-2-5) today.

I re-setup my closet and the heating has dropped significantly. I setup a lot of white computer paper on areas which were not already painted white and hoping that turns out to help reflectivity. I also got that closet on blackout when lights are out, so hopefully she gets the point quickly and switches stages. I'm running into that time of year where I have to switch over to 12/12. I am putting her into a 36 hour dark period tonight/tomorrow and have my light switch setup for 12/12 from there on out.

Hopefully her recovery will be more noticed in flowering when she begins to double in growth. I bum rigged another container to my original with more soil in it as well for more root space.

I'm including some pics of the new growth, beat old growth, veins of some of the beat fan leafs, and a pic of my setup.

Doing what I can to get Moby D to some nugggs. Throw a brotha a tip or drop a comment yall


Droppin a link: Lil Wayne - We gon get paid



Well-Known Member
Ya I just had a similar issue as well, I was doing 24 hr light for these first 11 days and it was fine but apparently the temps were gradually building up and went in there last nite and was 88 degrees so I switched to 20/4 lighting and tried to create more airflow, luckily I have a fan running constantly on my little one so she just got a little curly on her 2nd node leaves, all new growth looks excellent, heavy indica influence almost cartoon like leaves(of course mabye thats cuz Im high), and temps steady at 76-77 now, pushing out 6th and 7th nodes now, little foliar budsite veg growth begining drinkin lots of h2o. Yours does look a little stressed but I'd just watch her, give distilled water(no tap water unless brita filtered or let sit for 24 hrs) when shes thirsty and keep nutes low til she wants em. also are you PH ing your runoff water

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Ya I just had a similar issue as well, I was doing 24 hr light for these first 11 days and it was fine but apparently the temps were gradually building up and went in there last nite and was 88 degrees so I switched to 20/4 lighting and tried to create more airflow, luckily I have a fan running constantly on my little one so she just got a little curly on her 2nd node leaves, all new growth looks excellent, heavy indica influence almost cartoon like leaves(of course mabye thats cuz Im high), and temps steady at 76-77 now, pushing out 6th and 7th nodes now, little foliar budsite veg growth begining drinkin lots of h2o. Yours does look a little stressed but I'd just watch her, give distilled water(no tap water unless brita filtered or let sit for 24 hrs) when shes thirsty and keep nutes low til she wants em. also are you PH ing your runoff water
Wowo haha just made me some firecrackers and this stuff works. I'll drop the link I followed and hopefully I can spread the goodness to yall:

Indica always has the big fat leaves, it is cartoon like!! haha I started with tap water (thinking it had more beneficial minerals) but now I have recently started using brita filtered water @ room temp. I'm def. going to keep nutes low and try to keep her stable for the next couple of weeks. I have the pH kit and I am definitely running it next watering! I know I added some dolomite lime to the soil a week ago, so the pH is prob around 6.5. I'll pH next time and figure out how big of a problem that is.

I do not have an actual vent to the outside, but luckily my ionizer + leaving the door opened during light hours has kept enough fresh air coming around her. I do focus on keeping fresh air in the closet.

Hopefully I have corrected all the problems and best of luck on the next few weeks of growth on yours.


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
How she doin now man
She just got out of her 36 hours of darkness and has had the lights on for a couple of hours. I even changed my cfl over to the 5700k bulb.

I water'd her just now, even though a few inches down the soil was a little damp, but it had been a few days. I pH'd the filtered water and it was around 6.8-7.0, then I pH'd the runoff which looked to be around 6.4-6.8. I checked the second container to see the new root growth and it looked very white and healthy. I also replaced my spray bottle with straight filtered water and gave her a spray down. I'll discontinue this practice as soon as the bud sites begin.

The new growth looks great and the old growth seems to be stabilizing. The internode growth is also very lush and healthy. Some people would call her stunted but she is very dense with no stretching.

I'm too lazy to post pics up today, but I'll get a few up when flowering starts to do its thing. I usually notice female traits around 12-14 days. I'm excited for the next couple of weeks :bigjoint:

ps: Go have yourselves a nice bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
ur plant seems to be struggling alot, ive just goit 1 150w hps and ive got 7 1.5 foot tall white widows, with a 150w make sure u dont leave side branching as ur gonna get very little is no good bud on them and they just take away from the khola. How old is that plant btw, looks like my plants about a week after roots develop on my clones

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
ur plant seems to be struggling alot, ive just goit 1 150w hps and ive got 7 1.5 foot tall white widows, with a 150w make sure u dont leave side branching as ur gonna get very little is no good bud on them and they just take away from the khola. How old is that plant btw, looks like my plants about a week after roots develop on my clones
Don't leave side branching?? I'm not sure I fully understand what you are trying to say. Please clarify. I vegged for about a month, but went through some troubles that stunted growth about 2 weeks. I made a miscalculation in nutes (high...) and burned a lot of her root hairs, then had heating issues, then had pH issues. All mostly resolved for now, I hope..

So, I would say she should be about far along as any of your plants that vegged for 2 weeks. I know she is a little small, but she is going into flower around 8'' tall so hopefully I will yield a 2 footer in flowering.

New root growth looks healthy and old growth is recovering. As of lately she is on a diet of mostly just water with literally 1-2 drops nute per 2 dixie cups.

I was too lazy to take her out of the setup, but got some pics just now. Check them out and let me know what you think. Her topping is showing through nicely. I'm going for 2 fat colas that can hopefully yield 7 grams a piece. Clarify what your meaning was, so I can apply it to my grow. :peace:


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Yooo peeps,

I was bored so I snapped a few shots today. She's lookin way better!! Only about 3 days flower and no sign of sex, yet. I'm expecting some good growth over the next couple of days. Still getting a light nute of grow it green. Prob gonna water her tomorrow.

Keep it Real Homies :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hey there..

On my new grow here and using a 150w HPS as well. Inside a Homebox xs I have 2 sour diesel and one 'cough' (bagseed). 1 week in to flower and the cough turned out female! yay!.. The diesels are clones. 4 weeks of veg and they're almost 2 feet tall now. The clones have many tops because I took lots of clones, but this is advantageous because they're pure sativa and I only got another 14in of grow room haha.

Put up 2 bottles producing C02 when I started flowering and no joke, they grew 1.5in that night.

Anyways, I just wnated to say hi. I'm going to start some kind of journal soon and will be checking in here to ask questions/give advice :)

First piece of advice... I wouldn't trim side shoots (grow tips off nodes) unless you're plants are pretty stretchy (sativa).. In that case I would only trim the lowest, smallest branches. Sooner is better as not to stress the plant. Some would say dont do it at all because it stresses the plant and doesnt actually increase overall yield, just cola yield... This is all speculation imo.

Good luck :)

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Hey there..

On my new grow here and using a 150w HPS as well. Inside a Homebox xs I have 2 sour diesel and one 'cough' (bagseed). 1 week in to flower and the cough turned out female! yay!.. The diesels are clones. 4 weeks of veg and they're almost 2 feet tall now. The clones have many tops because I took lots of clones, but this is advantageous because they're pure sativa and I only got another 14in of grow room haha.

Put up 2 bottles producing C02 when I started flowering and no joke, they grew 1.5in that night.

Anyways, I just wnated to say hi. I'm going to start some kind of journal soon and will be checking in here to ask questions/give advice :)

First piece of advice... I wouldn't trim side shoots (grow tips off nodes) unless you're plants are pretty stretchy (sativa).. In that case I would only trim the lowest, smallest branches. Sooner is better as not to stress the plant. Some would say dont do it at all because it stresses the plant and doesnt actually increase overall yield, just cola yield... This is all speculation imo.

Good luck :)
Sounds like a good project you have goin there. Congratz on the ladies, that's the biggest problem with bag seed. You should def. post some pics up if they're lookin good.

I saw your cfl journal and you left everyone hanging on the harvested buds! All in all it looked like a really good and great yielding cfl grow. I hope you enjoy ur hps b/c they are awesome for small areas. It is all I will ever personally need. Maybe another so I can do some perpetual growing :hump:

I understand the trimming now, but I am not going through with it. She got stressed out enough from a topping and some of my errors in feeding. I'm all about getting bigger yields, but my common sense tells me that trimming stuff off is going to hurt the plant.

I bet that CO2 does help a lot! I've been gettin mine some fresh air every other day and I've noticed some good results.

Hope to see ya around and put some of ur good pics up :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good project you have goin there. Congratz on the ladies, that's the biggest problem with bag seed. You should def. post some pics up if they're lookin good.

I saw your cfl journal and you left everyone hanging on the harvested buds! All in all it looked like a really good and great yielding cfl grow. I hope you enjoy ur hps b/c they are awesome for small areas. It is all I will ever personally need. Maybe another so I can do some perpetual growing :hump:

I understand the trimming now, but I am not going through with it. She got stressed out enough from a topping and some of my errors in feeding. I'm all about getting bigger yields, but my common sense tells me that trimming stuff off is going to hurt the plant.

I bet that CO2 does help a lot! I've been gettin mine some fresh air every other day and I've noticed some good results.

Hope to see ya around and put some of ur good pics up :peace:
Yeah unfortunately our camera broke, internet turned off (cause we were moving).. oh and we were moving.. haha. Thats why the journal didnt get finished and never will :(..

Got 1.5oz off her. (8 weeks veg though). Did a grow after that with 4 NL and they turned out so sticky and stanky.. mmm

Now hoping for even better with an HPS :)

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Bored and not looking forward to the upcoming weekdays, I grabbed a pic of Moby D. Been getting a lot of new nodes popping out every day and starting to see signs of stretching. Sadly, no pistil development yet.. I know that she is gettin the minimum 12 hours of super darkness, but I guess this strain may take a little longer to show sex. I can't wait to get some pictures of budding, but I guess I must be more patient.

Puff Puff Pass

