Mmj runout of time frost coming

just have to ask you experts I'm in northern Alberta and on sept 24 the sun chart sais the 12/12 happens.but so dose the frost how do you trick your girls to flower say mid July . I understand you can use some sort of shade but what a pain to have to do daily for a month or two. And what about light leaks won't you end up with a bunch of hermies. This did happen to me this year had 10 northern lights and ran out of time. So I dug up 2 and made a micro grow scrog. They are budding nicely under my too small wattage Chinese LEDs. But next year I'll be growing outside leagle the doctor gave me 6 grams day so I can do 12 plants out door. I just sent the forms in today. I guess maybe I hav autos in my future. I can use the micro cabinet for starting my plants.
Ah!! Found it ii called light dep greenhouse. Check YouTube. I just happen to hav a small wood quanset garden shed, the roof is old and needs replacing so I think I'll just rip the roof off compleatley and brace it up and replace roof with role up panda film. Problem solved and not too much trouble or work. This way I don't have to grow autos


Active Member
Go with a greenhouse, you can grow all year long with it and it doesn't really matter what the season is. Especially since you have lights, you can use those as supplemental lights to extend days when needed. Then all you will need is some black 3 mill plastic to cover/black it out with when you need darkness for the plants. The greenhouse is good at keeping them warm and the cover will help even more for when it gets chilly at night.