Mmj question.

Hello all!! :blsmoke:

After recently having been arrested and spent the night in jail for three joints I've decided to attempt to obtain a prescription for my medicine, so as to not be treated like a common criminal for medicating myself.

My question is this: mj helps me everyday to stop my mind from racing a million miles an hr. it seems to help me focus on the task at hand, whether that be school-work, or practicing my instrument. I tend to have social anxiety as well, unless im medicated I barely stand to be around people, and this affects me at both school and work. Mj also helps me go to sleep, (ive previously taken ambien, but stopped a while ago when all the terrible side-effects became known.

My doctor doesn't prescribe mmj to anyone, I've already asked. I'm seeking a second opinion, and would like to have a well presented case, so they don't think I'm some idiot stoner (I'm 25 yrs old, senior in college, and cook in a restaurant)

How would you who have been able to obtian a mmj card recommend me going about talking to my doctor so as to present my case for my medicine??

I refuse to be locked up again for using my medicine, and my state (RI) has mmj so thats my best bet.

Thanks :eyesmoke:
