Mixing nutes in watering can


Active Member
am halfway towards end of flowering first crop. Have had one instance of nute burning using a strong nute. Dont wana see a repeat considering im seeing nice buds forming before my eyes. so my question is

what are your thoughts on supplementing some veg nutes in flowering stage if you think the yellowing is a little extreme and premature on most of the large leaves?

How do you properly mix nutes in a watering can (stupid i know) i dont have a ppm ec meter or watever theyr called.. so basically if the directions say for the flowering nutes(powder): 1 teaspoon to 5 litre, and the veg nutes (liquid organic fish emulsion) say one capful to a litre- COULD I SAFELY put 5 litres of water in a can with 1 teaspoon of flowering nutes and say a 2 capfuls of veg nutes? or would i have to increase amount of water to compensate for the veg nutes...

really simple... would really help if i knew this thanks