Mixing herbs?


Well-Known Member
Hey i've been smoking mary for 6 years now, always loved it, 2 years ago i'd say, I began to mix my mary with tobacoo from a cigarette. At first it was small amounts, now its about half and half, I can feel indescribable feelings sometimes around my jaw or even my mid section of my body will hurt in certain areas but not seriously, also I sometimes spit up black or grey stuff, im wondering if this is from the tobaccoo use of the weed itself, i use a bong 95% of the time, and quit smoking a while ago! any answers would be great thanks! cheers:leaf:


Active Member
" and quit smoking a while ago! " if ur mixing tobacco in then when did u quit smoking??its probably the tobacco


Well-Known Member
Kind of silly response, I didn't know smoking ment smoking tobacco considering you can smoke various substances these days, anyways I quit smoking cigarettes a while ago, but now mix tobacco with my mary and can see some " side effects" just wondering if this has occured with anyone else, im not stupid, it's more than likely the tobacco or the fact that smoking anything for 6 years will do something to your body, any opinion or actual fact will be appreciated, Cheers