Misting Systems

I was wondering what the groups feelings were toward misting systems? I found that (in my experience) that misted plants produce better crystal on the buds. My question before I put out the money for a full system has anybody run into any issues like mold or rot? All ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance.

Iron Eddie

I was wondering what the groups feelings were toward misting systems? I found that (in my experience) that misted plants produce better crystal on the buds. My question before I put out the money for a full system has anybody run into any issues like mold or rot? All ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance.
I just did a Yahoo search and found this thread. I'm bummed no one gave an answer.


right.... if i have adequate ventilation a morning mist should simulate the morning dew. i was wondering if this would be beneficial to do a few days before i turn my lights on. mimicking nature=good thing right?