Misteryous unknown deficiency? Please help!! (pics)


Active Member
Hi, everybody!
First of all, I really hope this isn't as mysterious to you as it's to me. These seedlings are now in their 11th day and since day 2 i am surfing the internet for clues and answers and i swear i didn't find anything related at least, so i kind of gave up and decided to ask for help. So please, help :)

So, I am having this issue from the first "day", it started to slowly appear on the first set of leaves.
When the leaves show the first sign of forming it is fat green and look healthy, but as the leave gets a little bigger, its tip color starts to turn from fat bright green to pale, greyish, muddy green. It's not like they turn brown and rusty, but turn grey towards black. Also, from bright turns mat. it looks like an old pair of trousers that are worn off by time and hard wearing in the knees area, turns to this dark grey that is mat but lustrous :)))) it really reminds me a lot of that kind of image.

Now, the thing starts and slowly advances to the base of the leaf, finally turning the whole leaf into this color. Also, the leaf becomes limp, rumpled. As if it is dry. The general impression is that it is getting dried out of juice and robustness. Not that they look completely sick but certainly they don't look juicy and full of life. they look dirty. period.
And last, they feel dry to the touch, like paper, no smoothness, and they feel thin.

Now, despite the fact that i couldn't find any picture of a deficiency to resemble my leaves, the most mysterious part is that it happened from day one to present, while the conditions changed in all possible ways.

Like, first I misunderstood the optimum temperature that they should grow and I had the tent too hot. I was sure this is heat stress. They were showing also the heat stress symptoms (taco leaf, margins curling up). I lowered the temps to 24 celsius (75 F) and tried since to keep it as constant as possible. The taco leaf and margins disappeared, yet my problem remained unchanged, continuing to show on the leaves that appeared after. Sometimes, because i run lights at night, accidentally i had temps going down even to 21 celsius for a short period. Nothing changed.

Then humidity. I had them going through the whole range of humidity, from high to low. I had very high humidity in the first days, under a dome, when the problem started to appear. meanwile they went through the whole range as low as 30 RH sometimes, and nothing changed.

I experienced a lot with the distance from the light (400w MH) and the fans inside the tent, trying to find the sweet spot to keep my temps constant. Nothing changed.
I never let the medium completely dry in between waterings and i don't water until it is almost dry. that is once at 2 days. in the beginning i had an overwatering attempt but nothing big that wasn't easily solved.
so, they shouldn't have a reason to dry.

I try to have the ph at 5.8, I grow in a 50/50 coco/perlite. Once i had the ph at 6.0 and maybe 2 times had it at 5.9.
I started very slow on feeding them and got the levels up to the optimum for their stage:

1.2/L canna rhizotonic
1ml/L canna coco A+B
1.2/L AN sensi cal/mag
and PH down, of course

yesterday i bought a bottle of GT Liquid Silicon and mixed it in at 0.8ml/L

the water is tap water. I foliar sprayed them like 3 times so far, during dark hours, with un-ph-ed water, once had some epsom salt mixed in.

the problem as i said, is showing from the beginning, when i wasn't feeding any nutes. and it continued the same, as i gradually increased the nutes amount.

The most frustrating thing is that the plants seem to never bothered. They grow well, besides some signs of stunted growth for short periods of time due to my mistakes (heat stress, temp swings etc.) but as soon as the mistakes are solved they start to grow again at a normal rate. seem they loved the nutes, showed no sign of burn or anything (at least that is what i observe, now tell me if i am wrong).

I even observed very close the strain itself, it is Northern Lights feminized, cause i thought that maybe the strain is supposed to be like this. Some people had this problem in some leaves but very light, not at all as deep as it shows in my leaves.

The most similar looking deficiency that I could find was the BORON deficiency, that they say it's very rare :))))))
Anyway it wasn't a very high similarity to be convinced that i have a boron deficiency.

Now, sorry if the very long description is annoying somehow, but for someone who got interested and curious enough to solve this one, I thought I should make it as clear as possible

Nothing else to say. Just, thank you for your time, and, please help!
I will answer any additional question, of course. I am looking forward for opinions and any input will be greatly appreciated


Now, the pics:


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looks like i'm feeding them fucking charcoal or something.. :))))))


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and looking at the pics now, the difference between the blackened tips and the rest seems to me it is a little less deep than it is in reality. maybe because of the light, or the phone camera