Mister heads in PVC??? Help please!!

Hello all,

I'm currently gathering supplies to build an aeroponics system and will be using PVC pipe for my water movement. Is there a special mist head/nozzle that I should be using for PVC or is it just the general stuff I see on eBay etc? Do I need to seal these with silicone or are they tight enough once screwed in?

I've read a lot of posts in DIY, but all just said to insert nozzle onto pipe...no real details on type. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
I'm n00b here too. I built my table a few months back, and if I can ever manage to generate some living clones I might even get to use the fucking thing. So although I haven't actually ever grown anything, I'm pretty good at building stuff.

I plumbed mine with PVC as well - the rigid 1/2" (ID, iIrc) white stuff used for potable water. My local grow shop carries Antelco sprayer heads for about a buck each, so I bought a handful. They're the 20035 mini sprayer heads found on page 22 (3.0) of their catalog, found at http://www.antelco.com/usa/pdfs/2010 Antelco USA Catalog.pdf .

They have a 10-32 machine thread on them, so drill a #21 hole, run a 10-32 tap into it, and they screw in and seal nice and tight without using any sealant like RTV (which is shit, btw, and outgasses acetic acid as it cures). Be sure to buy a few more than you need, because you're probably going to snap off a few when you overtighten them. Doesn't take much.
Thanks for the info! I really appreciate the detail in your post. That's a pretty cool supply catalog too. So did you use a pre-existing tote or did you make a custom table? I was actually thinking about constructing a box out of 1/2" osb, lining it with 1/2" foam board then lining that with 6 mil plastic to hold my water. It would cost a little more, but I like the idea of being able to have the exact size that I need for my room (no wasted space). Plus the foam board will help control water temps. The lid would be osb covered in white 6 mil plastic and could be attached using some type of latch to avoid leaks. Half of the fun for me is constructing the "perfect" setup.
My pleasure - details r us. The same grow shop where I got the spray heads carries an assortment of table trays made out of vacuum-formed 1/8" acrylic sheet, so even though it was the most expensive part (at about $80 for a 2'x4'), it's totally worth it to build the table out of something that's absolutely rot-and mold-proof. I hear what you're saying about wanting to custom-build to suit the dimensions of your room, but I think using osb is going to bring you mold problems that are quite unnecessary. For the top I used corrugated plastic sheet, the kind that's used with vinyl lettering for outdoor signs. It's light and strong. I cut 32 holes (4", I think, but I'd have to check) for holding the net pots. Working with the corrugated stuff is a bit of a hassle - it's messy and it's hard to keep the saw centered exactly where you want the hole - but again, all plastic means zero leakage and zero rot.