Miracle Grow


Active Member
IF MG was your only available nutes, would you use the regular type, or tomato type? Or another type all together?


Well-Known Member
IF MG was your only available nutes, would you use the regular type, or tomato type? Or another type all together?
General purpose or tomatoe will work, they also have an organic feed, if it was me I'd order nutes online here is a ditty explaining why

From Organic Gardening Magazine, July/August 2000 Issue.

Miracle-Gro is a synthetic fertilizer that contains ammonium phosphate and several other chemicals that can be toxic to your soil and plants. It is prohibited from use in certified-organic farming. Here’s what soil expert Robert Parnes, Ph.D., says in his book Fertile Soil: "[Ammonium fertilizer] acidifies the soil, and thus it is probably more harmful to soil organisms than any other nitrogen fertilizer . . . . The application has to be timed carefully and placed properly to avoid burning the leaves and roots . . . . In addition, ammonium tends to inhibit the release of . . . potassium . . . Ammonium fertilizers are deliberately manufactured to be spread at high application rates in order to obtain maximum yields with no regard to adverse effects on the soil. Probably nowhere is the conflict between the mass production of food to feed the world and the preservation of the soil more obvious than in the confrontation over the use of either ammonium fertilizers or liquid ammonia."

And there’s more: long-term studies at the University of Wisconsin have shown that acidic chemical fertilizers are causing serious, permanent damage to our soils. Usually these fertilizers are also highly soluble, so they leach away and pollute our water systems, too. Soil fertility authority Garn Wallace, Ph.D., of Wallace Laboratories in El Segundo, California, points out that Miracle-Gro contains muriate of potash, which contains excess chlorine that will burn plants and inhibit the uptake of nitrogen. Dr. Wallace also warns that products such as Miracle-Gro often contain unsafe levels of zinc and copper that will be toxic to soil life.

And if all that’s not enough to convince you to avoid this stuff, consider this: you have to mix Miracle-Gro with water and apply it ever "7 to 14 days." If you opt to fertilize organically, on the other hand, all you have to do is mix a ½-inch layer of[URL="http://davesgarden.com/guides/terms/go/2776/"] grass clippings [/URL]into your beds before each crop. As the grass decomposes, it will improve your soil’s texture and stimulate microbial life and help prevent disease, all while releasing plenty of nutrients to feed your plants. (For full details on organic fertilizers, see "How to Fertilize Your Garden," Organic Gardening, July/August 2000.)
-KATHY BAUMGARTNER, Fremont, Michigan

And in Closing I Must Add...
"Real Gardeners Grow Without Miracles!"
Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
the trick to using MG, or any fertilizer in soil, is too not let the shit build up in your medium over time.
i am trying to develop a high yielding system that uses soil and nutes that is commonly available at any big box store.
one of the things i have found out about MG is that it is an excellent nute, however, that being said, it is tricky to use because of the high nitrate content. as time goes by the nitrate (ammonium nitrate, the N in the npk of MG) builds up and toxifies the soil. basically it really makes the soil acidic, and the more soil, the lower the PH. to counteract this, i regularly flush the plants with a hearty rinse every couple of weeks. the burning has slacked off but now im having P issues, which tells me theres still too much nitrate content in my nutes. the 20-20-20 mg is prolly the best all around. it is virtually identical to the 20-20-20 jack's classic fert that is popular with many users on RIU. however it is very very strong and should vbe used very sparingly, at 1/4-1/2 concentration, and should never be used every 7-10 days, more like every 14-21 days....
the bitch about using any nute is that once you have it dialed in to what strain your growing, your going to have to learn it all over again when you decide to grow a new strain.
i also like the mg bloodmeal and bonemeal, but with the bloodmeal, i dissolve it in water instead of just adding it to the soil directly anymore. i used to just add it to my soil but found that it will cause problems with ph during late stage flowering, so now i just dissolve it. the bone meal, i still use in the soil but i dont think its ideal for a fast turn around crop like cannabis, i think its better suited for ammending large batches of soil outdoors, like in gardens or small crops.
that being said i am currently using-
mg organic blood meal
mg organic bonemeal
mg organic potting mix
generic organic perlite (no nutes added)
generic organic vermiculite (no nutes added)
mg 20-20-20 gen purpose plant food
scotts 10-20-10 all purpose liquid plant food


Active Member
All good advice. I did see the superthrive and bat guano available here. I'm three grows in and have used MG on all, but you can't use much of it.