Miracle Grow Potting Soil


Active Member
So i just went and picked out my final steps to my grow set up...all in all my supplies are a 400 watt hps/mh grow light, six 2 gallon pots, a timer for my light to plug into, a fan to cool off the grow room, and my temps are staying in the 77-78 range....Everything seems to be ready to grow but i just need one question answered... I purchased a bag of Miracle Grow Potting Soil today and have been reading up on it, and no matter what, its what i plan to use from seed to finish....I'm not looking for any preference here, but some advice on what i should add to the soil, or if it will work with no nutes until flowering.... any help would greatly appreciated because i will probably put the seeds in dirt in 3 days because i started to germinate them today.....


mg makes a few diff. kinds of soils.... which one do you have specifically?? when do you plan to flower??


Active Member
Alright guys, i checked out my seeds i was germinating for the past 3 days today, and most of them had just hatched open, but one seed had at least 1/4 inch root on it, so i took my miracle grow potting soil, estimated the amount of perlite and mixed it into the pot with the soil, and the ph came out to be about 6.5-7...just right..i also went out and bought a timer for my metal hilide light today....i set it for 18/6 5am-11am....i took the one long rooted seed and placed it root down about half an inch into the soil and barely covered it....then i watered what i thought seemed to be appropriate...(some tips on a guesstimate of how much water to add would be greatly appreciated) i guess i am just overviewing what ive done so far, and was wanting some comments on what i did wrong or right...anything will be appreciated....as for the other seeds i have, i just re wet them and put them back in my drawer to germinate because they were not ready to plant....


Well-Known Member
my first grow was in mg! It wasn't bad! Just make sure you don't feed nutes for 30 days because mg is packed with plenty!!


Active Member
my first grow was in mg! It wasn't bad! Just make sure you don't feed nutes for 30 days because mg is packed with plenty!!
k thanks for the advice...i hear its a pretty acidic soil so i got that perlite... i am expecting a decent harverst here if the female male ratio turns out okay... i have 4 seeds hollands hope, 2 afghan, and 2 nice mid grade seeds i got from a sack.....i started germinating 3 days ago and only one sprouted out to a quarter inch.....should i be worried that all the seeds havent germinated by now, or just leave them be in the paper towel until it happens??


Active Member
So 7 of the 8 seeds finally germinated, and one of them has sprouted up and the seed is splitting above the soil.. the others are a little behind because of later germinating.... i have one final seed that has been germinatin for 4 days and still hasnt started to geminate, any tips on what i shoud do?? my temps are staying around 85-87...is that ok?? just making sure i do everything right in the early stage because i know its very important... on average about how many hours under the light does a planted seed take to sprout up above the dirt...thanks for all the help so far..please keep the facts coming...


Active Member
k, well i finally got 7 of the 8 to sprout.....and one is looking outstanding and already has nice green leaves....the others i had to dig around the dirt a little and find the sprout because i may have buried them a little too deep in the soil...but they still look like they have rooted fine.. the only thing im not sure of because this is my first grow is that the root is coming up like it sshould, but the top is kind of drooped over because its only had 48 hours of light so far......but now that i dug around the sprout it should get very much more light....i was just curious if the extra light would help make the top of sprout shoot up toward the light....just wanting to be safe! thanks for any advice, its looking good so far


Active Member
just chill, it will sprout on its own. growing takes time. sounds like you're doing good.

yeah u were right, i left them alone after i dug around them a bit and now i have them all standing up with beautiful green leaves....no problems with anything so far...just my patience :blsmoke:


Active Member
so far so good...A week and a half into the grow, i have 7 or 8 beautiful 2 1/2 inch beatiful plants...i will try and get some pictures up so i can get some comments and such on my progress...Really pleasedd so farrr for my first grow!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if its worth adding Molasses during flowering when using MG soil? My plants are 3 weeks into flowering and are starting to look damn good.


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i duno, wish we could trade places...my babies are only a couple weeks old from the sprout....such a hard and interesting waiting game!!


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2 Weeks and 2 days later i have 7 beautiful plants with 3 nodes already....tallest plant ranging from 3 to 4 inches.... i just raised the light a little today because they are doing so well...a few of them already have the smell of some nice smelling bud once they sit in the light for a while..so far so good!


Well-Known Member
Over the past few days my fan leaves have been yellowing from the bottom up significantly. This would be normal later on in flowering but at only 3.5weeks flowering it seems a bit early. My guess is the MG soil has run low on nutes and I'm seeing a nitrogen deficiency. (It doesn't look like a lockout because my PH is perfect and I'm OCD about that.) MG is really unpredictable; in the beginning I had nute burn pretty bad and now I'm suffering from a def. I made a mix of 1/4 MG bloom booster (15-30-15), 1tbs molasses, and distilled water. I'll feed the nutes every other watering and molasses every water and plan on upping nutes to 1/2 next feeding. (So keep an eye out for a def in flowering bigPapi49 and be prepared to add nutes.) One of my WW's now has an 8 inch cola fully filled in with another 2 inches closing in fast. The other WW, which is a little younger, is still working on closing the gaps. Both are covered in trichs! :weed: I've also replaced most of my CFL's with a 150w HPS and just 4 42w CFL's for side lighting.

I've finally found a hydroponics store located 40 minutes from me so I'm going to bid MG soil and nutes farewell next grow. My first two grows had issues related directly to MG and its just not worth the hassle. My first grow was burned so bad the buds never really did much of anything and I ended up with very little yeild. This time I added in 1/4 perlite which seemed to help but I've still had issues. I'm willing to bet I can improve my next grow massively by investing in Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil and a tripack of nutes. :bigjoint:

Good luck bigPapi49.


Active Member
Over the past few days my fan leaves have been yellowing from the bottom up significantly. This would be normal later on in flowering but at only 3.5weeks flowering it seems a bit early. My guess is the MG soil has run low on nutes and I'm seeing a nitrogen deficiency. (It doesn't look like a lockout because my PH is perfect and I'm OCD about that.) MG is really unpredictable; in the beginning I had nute burn pretty bad and now I'm suffering from a def. I made a mix of 1/4 MG bloom booster (15-30-15), 1tbs molasses, and distilled water. I'll feed the nutes every other watering and molasses every water and plan on upping nutes to 1/2 next feeding. (So keep an eye out for a def in flowering bigPapi49 and be prepared to add nutes.) One of my WW's now has an 8 inch cola fully filled in with another 2 inches closing in fast. The other WW, which is a little younger, is still working on closing the gaps. Both are covered in trichs! :weed: I've also replaced most of my CFL's with a 150w HPS and just 4 42w CFL's for side lighting.

I've finally found a hydroponics store located 40 minutes from me so I'm going to bid MG soil and nutes farewell next grow. My first two grows had issues related directly to MG and its just not worth the hassle. My first grow was burned so bad the buds never really did much of anything and I ended up with very little yeild. This time I added in 1/4 perlite which seemed to help but I've still had issues. I'm willing to bet I can improve my next grow massively by investing in Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil and a tripack of nutes. :bigjoint:

Good luck bigPapi49.

Thank you very much..i too will probably invest in some fox farm soil after this, but for right now this miracle grow potting soil is doing absolute wonders...i have 8 sprouted plants, green as can be..and at 2 weeks and a few days a few smell like good bud already...so knock on wood but so far miracle is doing me fine....


Active Member
well im at 3 weeks into veg now on my first grow, and im lookin into buying the tiger bloom and big bloom for my flowering cycle since i already have the nutrients for vegging in the miracle grow potting soil.... i just started lookin up some directions on how to fertilize with these fox farm ferts...but being my first grow and all, i have no clue on how big a dosage i should add, how often i should fert, how often i should water and all of that...i would REALLY appreciate some advice from someone with some experience with these products so i dont run into any problems with my babies....