Minor Possession= Getting arrested?


Well-Known Member
Not going to say what city, but my brother got pulled tonight and got searched. They found his stash of a whole eighth, and took him downtown.... I've had too many friends to count who've gotten a Minor Possession charge and never had they been arrested. Just left county paying his ticket, 570$.... and gotta go back at 6am to pick him up.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm just ranting, but its also fckd up how when you do get pulled, let's say for speeding. They find reason to search, they get your stash... but only write the ticket for the MJ. I'm not complaining, its just fckd up how shysty and corrupt cops are


Well-Known Member
Cops might say people are corrupt too its a double sided argument. A big sad unnecessary fine there though fuck that!!

He shouldn`t give them a reason to search while carrying an 1/8th. Thats his responsibility while commiting a felony right? :D


Well-Known Member
I havn't gotten a chance to talk to him. My sister ended up going to get him this morning. I'm sure he was smoking a blunt or something while riding, so thats how they got probable cause.

But the reason I started this thread mainly is to discuss the corruption of cops.... Like how they get to 55mph in 35mph zones, but civilians dont. How they run red lights, stop signs, never use turn signals, I see them riding with no headlights on, illegal window tint, texting and driving... the list goes on. Is there a number to call to report cops disobeying the law?


Well-Known Member
cops have to much power. fuck off your just a civilian like me

yeah I guess your right. Just gotta bite the shitty bullet of the man

*Side note, it was funny as hell going to pick him up/ pay his fees for a possession charge and I was ripped out of my mind inside that place. hahaha, dumb cops


Well-Known Member
I havn't gotten a chance to talk to him. My sister ended up going to get him this morning. I'm sure he was smoking a blunt or something while riding, so thats how they got probable cause.
if he is smoking a blunt while driving, he should expect to get caught


Well-Known Member
well i got arrested in florida for a roach, first offense 3 months jail. he should be lucky . or i wish i would have just gotten a ticket
There are nice cops, and there are dick cops... The one thing I hate is that the nice cops are always nice, no matter if you get a little disgruntled or frustrated with them... But the Pigs are different, I've tried to be nice when I wasn't doing anyting wrond and I know they just pulled me over for some stupid reason, I immediately tell them I have weed and show them my papers, and they STILL proceed to question me on if I'm a drug runner.... HAHA YEAH, like a quarter ounce is even enough for a delivery, I mean shit If I was a drug dealer I'd be flippin pounds not o's! And you know they just want to have an arrest with their name and department on the top of the page so they can make themselves feel like they actually do something for society, which they don't... all they do is lead a sad little life driven by the pleasure of abusing their power and feeling like they are better than everyone else, which once again they're not, they're probably lower than everyone else but they still get the suit, gun, and badge for some reason....

But when you run into a nice cop you're like, "Shit, when did cops get common sense and human sympathy?" and it really just makes your day.... or at least for me it does haha


Well-Known Member
i have a great story, i was young and niave went down to vancouver with some friends to go to the cafe and the vapor lounge, i got busted with 2 oz on me while getting out of my car to park it. they search my car after i allowed them to, sooo dumbbb !~!!!!! they found my budys scale and his baggies ( he was also my dealer lol) i told the cop it was .5 oz but he clearly knew it was well over 2ozs he made me sign his note pad and took my weed and let me go without a single fine. clearly he was just needing some more chronic but cmon they could have asked. just a couple thieves getting paid to jack me. but shit, wasnt my weed and i didnt get into trouble haha, BC IS THE SHIIIIIIIT


Well-Known Member
To the OP, it sucks that someone in your family got caught up with this but it what will happen when we squander our rights in the name of freedom.

To the other posters who talk shit about cops, I do not understand the hostility as they (COPS) are just dumb mother fuc&^%s like you and me going to a 9-5 just to make a pay check. I am sure many people abuse power (of some sort) at there job, whether it is abusing company internet, stealing extra fries at McDonalds, using your company wash bay to wash your Caravan; whatever it is these dumb bastards get to do it to, you cannot be mad at that. :wall:



Active Member
I havn't gotten a chance to talk to him. My sister ended up going to get him this morning. I'm sure he was smoking a blunt or something while riding, so thats how they got probable cause.

But the reason I started this thread mainly is to discuss the corruption of cops.... Like how they get to 55mph in 35mph zones, but civilians dont. How they run red lights, stop signs, never use turn signals, I see them riding with no headlights on, illegal window tint, texting and driving... the list goes on. Is there a number to call to report cops disobeying the law?
I have to agree, especially how they get to do things we can't. Shit, its also horrible how they are allowed to kill people and don't even get me started on the army, being allowed a .50 Berret sniper rifle and I can't? This is ridiculous. Further more, I would like to be able to go behind the employees only everywhere.


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
I have to agree, especially how they get to do things we can't. Shit, its also horrible how they are allowed to kill people and don't even get me started on the army, being allowed a .50 Berret sniper rifle and I can't? This is ridiculous. Further more, I would like to be able to go behind the employees only everywhere.


Straw man much? He's talking about traffic laws and cops running stop signs. Don't make his valid opinion sound ridiculous.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yo OP, that's some Crazy your friend gotta arrested over an 8th. Did he cooperate with the police or was he an ass? That surly don't happen often or at least not in my area. You get your shit taken and a ticket.