Minn. Cop Who Told Drivers to Run Over BLM Protesters Resigns


Well-Known Member
Police Sgt. Jeffrey Rothecker, who allegedly told drivers how to avoid being charged while encouraging them to run over Black Lives Matter protesters at a recent rally, officially resigned Wednesday.


"Run them over. Keep traffic flowing and don’t slow down for any of these idiots who try and block the street. Here is the deal, you continue to drive and if you hit someone make sure you call 911 to report the accident and meet the cops a block or two away and you can justify stopping further away because you feared for your safety since the past people in this group has shown a propensity towards violence," the comment read.

"Since they are trying to block the street and/or cross where there is no crossing you should not be charged with anything," it continued. "Now, these idiots could try and sue you in civil court, but remember that it will be jury trial and so most likely it will come out in your favor."
Yeah... because he was given a promotion and a pay raise.

Oh wait he was forced out.
goddamit you are stupid. No, it is a sign of institutional racism because the cop was openly telling others how to beat the system after killing or maiming a black protester. Its obvious that he had no idea that he was saying anything wrong until somebody in the department tipped him off about an investigation. THEN he back tracked. That cop is an asshole, his department is stuck in an asshole past and, well, I won't tell you what you are.
Until cops start facing personal and legal repercussions for their transgressions on the job we will not have a justice system worthy of the name- and a long as that is the case, we are not a free country.

Prosecutors should no longer have the job of deciding if an officer should face justice; it's been proven to be too much of a conflict of interest to be allowed to continue.
goddamit you are stupid. No, it is a sign of institutional racism because the cop was openly telling others how to beat the system after killing or maiming a black protester. Its obvious that he had no idea that he was saying anything wrong until somebody in the department tipped him off about an investigation. THEN he back tracked. That cop is an asshole, his department is stuck in an asshole past and, well, I won't tell you what you are.
Those weren't protestors, those are saboteurs.
So, in your mind, I guess that makes them expendable?
I don't agree that they should be mowed down and killed, but I would only fine someone who did that $100 if I were the judge. You've no right to impede my movement, its false imprisonment, and killing that person might be self defense.
I don't agree that they should be mowed down and killed, but I would only fine someone who did that $100 if I were the judge. You've no right to impede my movement, its false imprisonment, and killing that person might be self defense.
So you don't agree that they should be mowed down and killed, but if they are mowed down and killed, you'd only fine the killer $100?
goddamit you are stupid. No, it is a sign of institutional racism because the cop was openly telling others how to beat the system after killing or maiming a black protester. Its obvious that he had no idea that he was saying anything wrong until somebody in the department tipped him off about an investigation. THEN he back tracked. That cop is an asshole, his department is stuck in an asshole past and, well, I won't tell you what you are.
So you think his nonsense advice would work?

Cops are not legal experts. The only thing that would save them from is a leaving the scene charge. They would still be highly culpable for some form of murder.
He's expendable in the eyes of the police. I wonder how knowing that makes him feel about them?
I'm not a fan of police at all. My contention with him and others here is that cops specifically target black people.

They will gladly shit on anyone. They know they can get away with it against poor victims. So poor whites, poor anyone get the shit on them as often as anyone, blacks included.
Depends on circumstances honestly.

My advice is don't play in traffic.
Just stop the lame assed wordsmithing and say "yes". My suspicions have finally been confirmed. It's now clear to me that you don't have a very high opinion of those who look like me, and that's fine. It's important to me that I know who I'm dealing with.
Just stop the lame assed wordsmithing and say "yes". My suspicions have finally been confirmed. It's now clear to me that you don't have a very high opinion of those who look like me, and that's fine. It's important to me that I know who I'm dealing with.
You would be wrong.

I'd say the same thing if white people were protesting the G8 summit, in fact I did, just not here or to you.

I'm the least racist person you could ever meet. I'm just not racially sensitive.
It would be stupid of me to think less of black people. I'm an atheist and scientifically literate enough to accept evolution.

Many thousands of years ago my ancestors left your ancestors in Africa and found their way to Europe where less sun light and more fish in their diet caused them to lose pigment in their skin. Physically, your no different from me in any significant way.

What I mean by being insincitive is that I don't give a shit about your agenda. It doesn't affect me.

Black lives matter? I agree, now shut the fuck up and get to work or get a hobby or something.

The self appointed leaders of the black community are Chaucerian level charlatans. AL Sharpton has said some of the most racist and divisive things in American history.

What I said about Trump there is at best you've been able to show very mild amount of prejudice. It's an imperfection, but not a fatal flaw. It's not severe enough to warrant a moment on any news channel I've seen this entire cycle. And furthermore his ability to act on it is near zero with the scrutiny he would be under.

Meanwhile AL Sharpton has said some of the most antisemitic comments in modern American history, and is still the black many any white person has to go pay homage to whenever the race issue comes up.

It would be stupid of me to think less of black people. I'm an atheist and scientifically literate enough to accept evolution.

Many thousands of years ago my ancestors left your ancestors in Africa and found their way to Europe where less sun light and more fish in their diet caused them to lose pigment in their skin. Physically, your no different from me in any significant way.

What I mean by being insincitive is that I don't give a shit about your agenda. It doesn't affect me.

Black lives matter? I agree, now shut the fuck up and get to work or get a hobby or something.

The self appointed leaders of the black community are Chaucerian level charlatans. AL Sharpton has said some of the most racist and divisive things in American history.

What I said about Trump there is at best you've been able to show very mild amount of prejudice. It's an imperfection, but not a fatal flaw. It's not severe enough to warrant a moment on any news channel I've seen this entire cycle. And furthermore his ability to act on it is near zero with the scrutiny he would be under.

Meanwhile AL Sharpton has said some of the most antisemitic comments in modern American history, and is still the black many any white person has to go pay homage to whenever the race issue comes up.

So Al Sharpton has said some of the "most antisemitic comments in American history" (I'd be more than willing to listen to these comments that you speak of), but you think that Donald Trump has only shown a "very mild" amount of prejudice? So refusing to rent apartment housing to blacks solely based on the color of their skin is somehow only a "mild prejudice"? But Al Sharpton allegedly just saying something is somehow comparable. Donald Trump took out a fill page ad in the New York Times advocating for the deaths of 4 INNOCENT black teens and 1 hispanic teen, including one who was only 14 at the time. But yeah, he's only shown a "mild prejudice".