minimum / maximum yield i could get ?? 1st grow


i currently have 5 plants n a clone in the process . 4 of the 5 r barely starting week 6 since i planted them and they are under 4 100 watt equivalent daylight clfs n 2 60 watt equivalent reveal cfls . at the moment they are ranging from 9 inches to 14 inches ( the 9 incher stunted itself in the seedling stage [ very hard to explain how ] ) and they are in ffof receiving no types of nutes at the moment . i recently transplanted them into ffof about 3 days ago . im not really concerned about my 5th plant n clone ( outdoor ) because im pretty sure i butchered them from the get - go lol . my main concern is what can be the minimum / maximum yield of my babies since i am sending them outside 2morro which is about 13/11 light in mid august . the ladies (5).jpgthe ladies (6).jpg on the left : 2 tallest plants
on the right : 2 shortest


Well-Known Member
No one is going to be able to give you a min/ max of yeild. Just plant them an you get what you get. Sorry to sound blunt about it but they are small they may give you 1oz each or they may give you 5oz but nobody knows lol


Well-Known Member
Agree with Purps, can't tell what you'll get. It's flowering time in CA (starting about 3 weeks ago in LA), so those ladies will start to flower immediately, when placed outdoors. They may not grow much bigger. If you can keep em alive and healthy through harvest, your bud yield may be 10 grams per. Or, 40 grams per. If you starting giving them nutes soon, it should increase the yield a bit.

Good luck and keep us posted :joint:

R2T :peace:


Well-Known Member
Your minimum could be zero. You have a long way to go. If you want to get more yield, keep them under a much stronger light for another 4 weeks so they can get a lot bigger. Something like a 24/0 light schedule. Then go to 12/12.