Mini single plant dwc scrog box help!!

Hey everyone. I am new to this site, not new to growing but new to growing indoors and in mini boxes.
I have spent a lot of time perfecting my box. (will post pics later). Everything is working perfectly on it's "dry run" getting ready to plant but need some advice first.
first let me explain my setup.

I have built a box with insulation between the walls, just like a house would have. the inner dimensions are
Length=17.5 in. Depth=18 in. height= 28 in.
I have 8 26 watt 6500k CFL's for veggging and 8 23 watt 2700k CFL's for flowering. I built a light hood with some ducting and vented it with a medium sized Attachment 2930990Attachment 2930986Attachment 2930987Attachment 2930988Attachment 2930989computer fan (which I have on all the time while the lights are on running 12 volts.) I have a home made carbon filter which is attached to a home made fan housing which houses 2 4in computer fans. These fans are hooked up to a tattoo power supply and are running on 15 volts. The intake is passive and light proofed. I have a ceramic heat emitter for reptiles for heat during dark cycle, which is in a 4 inch heat duct with a small computer fan to push the heat. I have installed a LUX plug in programmable thermostat that runs the exhaust. When it gets too hot from either the lights or the heater the exhaust turns on..
So far so good....Everything is working perfectly. This box is in my workshop (which is very well insulated and does have heat but I don't run it.) And it is winter here. I can manipulate temps to my liking this way temps during light cycle range from 78- 80* and dark cycle temps range from 68-70* It's all working without a hitch....I'm so stoked!!!!
But.. Here inlies my problem.

I only want to grow 1 plant. I want to do a dwc set up and scrog it.
I don't know how to make this happen efficiently. If I plant say 6 seeds and just wait till they show sex the plants will be too big and can't train them into the screen. I cant start training them in the screen until I know the sex. I cant just put one seed in the dwc and just hope its a female either. I know I can clone but until I have my mother cab built I have no where to house a mother.
so what do I do? would it be best to just start some plants in soil and until I can determine the sex and then take a cutting and place it in my dwc bucket and just hope it takes? What if it doesn't root?
I have a ton of seeds from some killer smoke just no femenized ones and I can't afford to buy fem seeds.
Has anyone done anything similar to this? any ideas will help.
I know I can just veg for a couple weeks and then filp them to 12/12 until they sho sex and then flip them back but I don't want to stress them like that and also have to wait longer for them to get back on track.