mini fridge to cool grow closet?


so over the past few day i've been struggling with the common problem of too much heat in my grow room/closet, and as a result of copious amounts of failed ideas :wall: i came across one of the simplest cooling methods of all time, the refrigerator! :idea:. i mean what else besides cooling stuff is a fridge for? soooo :lol: i was wondering if its possible (or safe) to simply stick an open mini fridge in my grow room/closet in order to decrease the temperature (during the day) any ideas? :roll:


Well-Known Member
I think people are a little bemused or even amused because a fridge uses heat to cool the inside. The warm elements at the back of the fridge would counteract any cooling effect inside a growroom.

In the same way as flapping ones arms would generate air movement but any cooling would be offset by the resulting rise in body temperature.

Hope that helps. :peace: