Mildew attack!


New Member
Had some mildew issues, I've been snipping bits for the last two days - pretty sure I got all of the infected areas but my question is... It's a week or possibly 2 from harvest, the glands have started to cloud and the hairs are at least 40% brown and curly... Week of dark? or chop that girl down and get my room clean for the other girls to come back in?
FYI: mildew was very limited a couple of little patches around either fan leaves or on some of the cylax leaves

Help... Camera is on the blink so Pics will come later.


New Member
I'm confident that it's no longer too Humid and the grow chamber is clean-ish but I figured that using any sprays or treatments would be harmful at this point...

essentially I feel unsure as to what to do and am open to advice


Well-Known Member
Well if you decide on the week of dark they are probably more susceptible to a recurrence of PM so if you don't want to risk them for the next couple of weeks maybe your best bet is to chop now.
I'm sure you'll get a few more opinions though


Well-Known Member
All sprays that are effective are NOT harmful. You should spend some time visiting the organic section of this board.

An effective method to control powdery mildew is milk diluted 5:1 with water and sprayed on the leaves. You have to cover all of the plant and reapplication about every 3days will keep the powdery mildew away with no harm to the buds.


New Member
Thanks jcmjrt! I'd seen this yesterday but most treatments seemed to be accompanied by a note advising against using them in the final 2 weeks... I'm going to check up with a guy near me but any further suggestions would be great!


Well-Known Member
Im W/ the milk, it always worked back when i caught that. happened in veg, but for that i used Just a compost tea spray.


Well-Known Member
Oxidate is my remedy of choice. It is H02 (peroxide on steroids) and can be applied daily up until harvest and you can even dip the cut branches before hanging (with vigorous ventilation afterwards) . It breaks down quickly after application into 02 (oxygen) and H20 (water) both completely harmless. Good luck :)


New Member
thanks for all the advice - it seems to have been kept at bay by changing the conditions in the grow box (I'd not spotted a little run off water from my feedings and as it collected I guess the humidity increased). Not noticed any major return of the PM, if I notice it return I know what to do ;)

thanks a million guys - pics of ma babies will get posted elsewhere soon :D