mike pence is black and homosexual

I think it's time for him to present a birth cert...

And then we can claim it's not real anyways.

Mike Pence is obviously a gay Muslim from Kenya.

i'm not racist or divisive or anything like that, and i don't run an insult driven campaign, but he is black and therefore probably not american.

he needs to release his college transcripts so we can see that he is simply an affirmative action recipient.

again, i am not racist, divisive, or running an insult driven campaign.
i'm not racist or divisive or anything like that, and i don't run an insult driven campaign, but he is black and therefore probably not american.

he needs to release his college transcripts so we can see that he is simply an affirmative action recipient.

again, i am not racist, divisive, or running an insult driven campaign.
I bet he even smoked the reefer...AND INHALED!