Might actually vote repub


New Member
This is the first time i have evert hought about voting for a republican. Any of you other lifelong dems thinking about jumping ship? And I would also like to point out for personal glory that Barrack Obama waved at me and my son.


Well-Known Member
um...... mccain? are you serious? that piece of shit is bar far the farthest away from legalizing pot.


Well-Known Member
you don't know what you said? how fucked up are you(i mean that in a good way, not bad)? you said you were voting republican, and mccain is the worst candidate for pot legalization.


New Member
I'm kind of tred of the dems wishy washy ways. I want someone who at least can say they have done something.


Well-Known Member
yeah I know that.... all politicians are wishy washy..... thats the nature of being a politician. i still think there is a better chance at gettin closer with a dem


Well-Known Member
writing in ron paul is a great idea..... except unfortunately he's got no chance.... i would vote for him if he were on the ballot, but without even being on the ballot, it just doesn't do any good to vote for him. it would be like writeing in pakalika from the kottonmouth kings for president.


Well-Known Member
As in Canada, you've got to vote against the conservative party no matter Who the canidate is. Unfortunatly. the conservative mindset is counter productive to anyone who
"partakes" in any life style that they don't believe in. It annoyes me to hear the phrase
a free society....ya ..as long as the powers that be allow it :(


Well-Known Member
This is the first time i have evert hought about voting for a republican. Any of you other lifelong dems thinking about jumping ship? And I would also like to point out for personal glory that Barrack Obama waved at me and my son.
I changed my political affiliation so that I could vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. However, I have since gone back to my Libertarian roots. I will be writing in RP on the ballot, and voting out EVERY incumbent I can get my hands on.


Well-Known Member
I think he's old enough to have gotten through some college, myself. I'm gonna peg him at... (insert Jeopardy sound effects here)... 28.


New Member
yeah, I jump around alot,especially in the mornings when the day is full.At night i hardly talk at all. I need to think about the rest of the day. I bust out really high on the IQ wave, so i have a hard time shutting things off when i get to going.Its because everything is relateable to everything else. My wife hates me for it and wont get up with me in the mornings. You should see me after i watch the history channel or headline news. I love the little feeder on the bottom. And damn orecal, you are all over the threads today by the way.


New Member
Vote Republican? HaHaHaHeHeHeHoHoHo~LOL~. Been there, done that, doubt it will ever happen again. Maybe if I was passed out drunk, and I don't drink.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i try to spread my word...... haha. i know what you mean by everything is relatable to everything else..... you said you've seen me all over today... did you see where I said I relate EVERY paper and presentation to marijuana prohibition.


New Member
So let's see .... If a totalitarian dictator was running for president, and he/she promised to legalize pot, would you vote for him/her?

There's more than one issue at stake in every election.



There's treachery afoot
This is the first time i have evert hought about voting for a republican. Any of you other lifelong dems thinking about jumping ship? And I would also like to point out for personal glory that Barrack Obama waved at me and my son.
are a very sick man and should be institutionalized immediately for insanity.