Midwest Medical Disabled and Going Back to Work


Active Member
Hello there! Online I like to go by Buck, Nice to meet you. This looks like a wonderful community. I love technology and marijuana. Growing is the perfect combination of the two. This year I finally convinced the land owners to allow me to grow here! I can not afford to setup an indoor room atm as I am struggling to find work with my bad back. I am awaiting disability results but money is too much of a crunch now. I have applied for any position in my are that could get me a discount on bud to help me through this time. I have degenerative disc disease, spinal arthritis, spinal stenosis. I had a herniation in my lower spine when I was 17 and had it operated on. After that surgery I had sciatica, Doctors went in and fused three vertebrae together to try and help. Led to further lumbar back pain and more problems. Eventually diagnosed with failed back surgery syndrome (previous surgeries did not relieve so future ones will do the same)

I got permission to grow late in the season this year so instead of germinating from seed I managed to track down some cuttings. A few pictures of the ladies starting off are below. I look forward to getting to know this community better and better and as I work and my back gets worse and worse here, I will need some help researching and filling in the gaps when I eventually move to indoors! ( I already hate fighting the aphids outdoors but goooooo Neem Oil!)

First set in their cubes: (now I know I was a little too humid during this process) (also the friend took the lead in placing the cuttings and skipped pre soaking the cubes and squeezing out the extra water so I believe the cuttings started life off fighting through water thanks to this. Friend decided it was ok to water the cubes after planting - next time I'm in charge.)
Transplanted the few that took root:
Medium gal after a little hardening and some sun 10 days later:
Big gal after same:
And the runt even decided to start growing too!

This post is a little test post to see how a journal might go in the future and to introduce myself to the crowd!


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Oh and btw, the big gal is kind of getting bushy! The other two were slowly showing nitrogen deficiencies and are recovering from new nutrients now. I experimented with FIMming on the runt and have decided I'd rather just top after second node next cutting root.


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