Middle of wk 4 flower don't know if its deff?


:peace:Wat up RIU,

im currently running 2 600w Hps with 4 plants under each light. I'm growing
:2 kosher Kush
:2 holygrailkush
:2 granddaddy purp
:1 sharks breath

im feeding them: house and garden & advanced nutrients
its a side by side comparison to see which nutes are better for my setup at the moment.
Hg- soil a-b Root excellerator amino treatment Bud xl
AN: hobbyist package with rhino skin and hygrozyme

Now the problem is with kosher Kush #2 and sharks breath.
The kosher Kush is like cupping the leaves inwards and some leaves are even turning around. Other than that it seems to b doin all right. (Imma add pics of her inna few tryin to learn how to do this off my phone)

the sharks breath is very bushy up top and no light penetrates the middle I'm wondering what leaves are fine to pull off for more light penetration. I'm also wondering if there is a nute deficiency because the fan leaves (some not all) from bottom up are gettin brown spots.



Well-Known Member
Its better to low stress train the canopy away from the middle instead of defoliate. Only reason I ever pick off leaves is height restrictions, damage, or it being too close to the bottom of the plant


i dont want to defoliate but the lower buds are not getting any light so im thinking of defoliating end of wk 4 or 5 not all leaves but a good amount, to have a better light penetration into the canopy. im allready LSTing them sort of because they are getting too big and dont fit in the tent. im thinking of taking the tent down and using the whole room for more light. im only worried about making sure i lightproof the room like the tent does. thnks for the advise tho i know defoliation is a very controversial topic but im not too experienced so im just
wondering what are the good leaves to take away. i know some fan leaves are good for the last few days or wks because of the nutes it stores


Well-Known Member
The leaves you would be removing are still making the buds grow, Removing them isn't going to do much, just pull your foliage away with low stress training, those fan leaves are important. And I know it's controversial and I side with uncle Ben. Your plant already made the leaf why would you ever wanna chop it off? Its still capturing light


do you see the shade under the tops of my plants? its making me go crazy imma eventually start to take out everything in the bottom and only leave the nodes that are getting light. i want fat coke can sized nugs.