Micro root aphids


Well-Known Member
I have recently discovered that I am infested with micro RA. They are so small (about 1/5 the size of a grain of salt) that I wouldnt even know that I had them, were it not for them being visible while crawling around on the black net pots. I have used Merit 75 and Kontos (spirotetremat) against them to no avail. They almost seem completely unaffected by either pesticide. My plants on the other hand were effected by the Kontos and look like shit and have drooping leaves. I am really losing my mind over this. I need to eradicate these demonic bugs. I am running perpetual and shutting down isnt an option. I dont even think that shutting down would get rid of them, as I have dealt with root aphids before. Has anyone else ever dealt with micro root aphids? How the f*** do I kill these little bastards?

I run a recirculating low pressure aeroponic system. The bugs seem to hang out in the root crown at the top of the net pots were they can avoid being hit by the misters. Once my plants are put into the flowering system, root dunks become impossible, as the plants roots become severely intertwined and cannot be pulled out of the system.

Is it just me, or do these things appear to have tails? Are they even RA? Im not even certain what bug Im trying to kill. I have seen what I believe to be winged RA, although I suppose they could be some other small flying insect. Any help is appreciated....
And the plants are displaying classic RA damage. After a few weeks in flower, lower leaves show signs of deficiencies, and begin to wither. Root rot slowly sets in. Loss of vigor and yield, etc
Did you figure out what these were? And did you successfully get rid of them? Do they look the same as these in this thread that I've had?
Did you figure out what these were? And did you successfully get rid of them? Do they look the same as these in this thread that I've had?

Yes. They are indeed mold mites. Tyrophagus putrescentiae. I have not gotten rid of them, and it almost seems impossible. I was told that they dont damage plants, but thats bullshit. I believe they will eat decaying matter, and that if their population gets too large, that they will also feed on healthy roots. Did you get rid of them? If so, how?
Yes. They are indeed mold mites. Tyrophagus putrescentiae. I have not gotten rid of them, and it almost seems impossible. I was told that they dont damage plants, but thats bullshit. I believe they will eat decaying matter, and that if their population gets too large, that they will also feed on healthy roots. Did you get rid of them? If so, how?

Sort out your decaying matter and they won’t have anything to feed on.

H2o2 helps to reduce numbers.

Mould mites are even supplied in predatory insect packets as a source of food for them while in transit.

they feed on fungi and decay.

that can also include the fungi you may have inoculated with such as Mycchorizae or Trichoderma etc.

they do not eat live plant material whether that’s roots or leaves etc.
Yes. They are indeed mold mites. Tyrophagus putrescentiae. I have not gotten rid of them, and it almost seems impossible. I was told that they dont damage plants, but thats bullshit. I believe they will eat decaying matter, and that if their population gets too large, that they will also feed on healthy roots. Did you get rid of them? If so, how?
I severely knocked their numbers down with Dr zymes soil soak followed up with spinosad soil soak and spraying the inside of the tent and everything in it with Dr zymes. But then I would keep seeing a random couple on the outside of pots. I got root aphids as well with my clones so I ordered the insecticides from this link and will be going through the steps and then taking new cuttings to hopefully leave them behind and destroy all the plants in the tent after.