I'm also in Oakland county MI. and you for sure didn't plant too late. The weather has been a little too cold recently but it looks like you should be in the clear now. I'm going to start mine in a week or two. Last year I started plants outdoor in JULY and i still got 4-5 footers. If you wait till it's nice and warm they just start out that much faster and make up for a lot of the lost time. And about the seeds from the mids, my past grows were from bagseed from mids and the bud I grew was better than the bud i got the seeds from. I wouldn't say dank but very nice mids, seedless of course. I'm hopefully going to be getting clones this year though, if things work out. Good luck, nice to know that there is a fellow grower so close by. Oh and watch out for the deer, Liquid fence doesn't work for shit, use a fence if possible.