michigan card


Hi everyone i kinda new to the site but i have read other post on here in the past that has helped me alot. but i was wondering if anyone knows about how long it takes now to get your card with a new patient ap? last year it took 4 months to get my card and this year my card expired 3 months ago so i read i need to submit a new patient form. thanks everyone


New Member
if you dont live in michigan ,but its close are people aloud to be out of starters and still come there and get there card


Well-Known Member
OUt of state. I saw starter and was like wtf? You must be typing on my fucking iphone. Bastard always tries correcting me, but phone gets contact buzz off me I guess. If you live close to michigan, you need to borrow address and get to growing. Your state is counting on you to get them a head start. What state? Ohio, Indy, Ill, or Wisc? I know cops get pretty happy busting people along U.P./Wisc border.

Our government's decisions over last few years has chased out tens of thousands of people. (Just the ones that work though). You should have no problem finding a place.


New Member
OUt of state. I saw starter and was like wtf? You must be typing on my fucking iphone. Bastard always tries correcting me, but phone gets contact buzz off me I guess. If you live close to michigan, you need to borrow address and get to growing. Your state is counting on you to get them a head start. What state? Ohio, Indy, Ill, or Wisc? I know cops get pretty happy busting people along U.P./Wisc border.

Our government's decisions over last few years has chased out tens of thousands of people. (Just the ones that work though). You should have no problem finding a place.
no im typing on a keyboard but i got big fingers and when i get typing fast all kinds of shit come up lol sometime si writ elik ethi scaus em ymin d go faste rthanf ingers. lmao. who can read all that haha. thanks for the info also