Mg or K deficiency?


looks hungry

chances are its your soil..... that soil is by far the worst soil on the market.
walmart or 99c store sells it lol. could be a number of factors to be honest.

the nutes were chemical or organic that you fed?

invest in better soil if the nutes did not work in the next 2-3 days it could be you just need to repot and soil them into something that may support life better than dusty walmart soil.

think of growing weed and the components of it (light,food,air quality,media) as a team...... the best player on your team can only win you so many games and take you this far but the full cooperation of all makes for championship quality buds..

cfl is your first limitation, second is your soil, and with the little knowledge i have of your grow i can assume you have cheap fert and tap water.... dont expect a whole lot more that making a weed surrive through flowering for fun. but if you get serious i would be glad to help give you a run down of what you need to get some quality for little more than the cost of your original setup


Well I really can't afford any hps or mh or hid light set ups unless I took the hid's out of my car lol.
so I'm going to have to stick to cfl's I kno it's got plenty of light and I know everybody loves ff soil but I just don't have a place that sells its down here.
I know your thinking it's that soil in the black bag but it's not where i live they make the soil out of different stuff in the south the scotts products are a little better but i agree with you there not the best.
it seems like good light stuff with no added nutes this is my first grow so I need all the help I can get.
but It seems like some deficiency to me , so maybe I need to add Epsom salts for mag or buy some call mag bc the stuff I just gave it has plenty K in it so if this continues it may be mg

Id love some pointers are there any kind of good soils at a place like lowes or anywhere of a chain place bc there's a feed and seed place in my town I doubt sells anything like fox farms but I'm open to any suggestions


Well its hard to say much without possibly being wrong but I hear many people say that the miracle grow potting soil was good. I am sure you can get that anywhere. As far as your soil there is a Study done by Colorado State University that tested the potting soils sold on the market and the effects it has on plant growth it said,

"Hyponex All Purpose Potting Soil and Green Charm resulted in poor plant growth. Both of these media contain sedge peat, a fine particle material that tests to a low porosity. There simply isn't enough space within these media for the water and air that plant roots need to grow successfully."

It is the worst potting soil sold on the market even heard toxic rumors. Order online if you can't get it in your town.......typically you can spend 2 bucks more and your good. we don't often do that though. MG potting soil, medias with no nutrients are better left to a more experienced grower....... after growing in some fox farms ocean forest or something like that you begin to know when a plant wants to be fed. and makes it easier when you have to feed yourself...... theres flushing and stuff involved in that it becomes risky for newbies. good luck with your grow the light should be fine.... I wouldn't veg it much more though as the wattage is a little low to penetrate more than 15 inches


Yeh I already got it on 12/12 and I bet mg is better somill get some tomorrow and repot it in that since its already about 8 inches tall the nutrients in it won't burn it so I don't have to worry about that but I'll let you know how it reacts after I put it in new soil


Stay away from MG soil. It might work for you but more than not it just causes problems. Your best bet is to look at Lowes or Home Depot and look for a soil with no added nutes. This late in the summer the selection should be pretty good. Almost all of what Wal-mart carries has added nutes. I would also look into a PH test kit or PH tester of some kind and test your water run off as well. The nutes you are using also seem more like an all purpose food, and a little high in the K(Potassium) department for vegging.