Mg, Ca, and Nutrient Lockout Issues..Need Help

I was hoping to get some knowledgeable input about some watering issues I am having. For the majority of my current grow I have been using tap water that has sat out for 2+ days.

After reading the water report here are some useful(average) values:
TDS: 148ppm
Chloride: 23ppm
Calcium: 29ppm
Hardness CaCO3: 75ppm
Magnesium: 1.8ppm

My question is that when I flush my plants with "pure" tap water, I get what sure looks like an Mg, or Ca deficiency. From what I have read 75ppm of hardness is pretty soft, would I benefit from adding Calmag to my non nutrient waterings?

I use Fox Farm nutrients and always pH my nutrient solutions down to roughly 6. The most ppm I have ever given them is around 900. I am positive it isnt nutrient burn, and always pH my water and run off, which is sometimes a bit low but never bad. I feed them every other watering with at least a gallon of water.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
So this is a soil grow then...your PH is low...soil itself should have a PH of around 6.8 for optimal nutrient absorption. PH below 6 you get Ca and Mg lockout. If the PH is too low, those neutrients wont get obsorbed, and they just sit in the soil, causing other issues. My suggestion is flush it out completely with ph 7.0 water, get those old neutrients moving and expressed around the soil and washed out, afterwards let it sit for 3-5 days without watering, let it dry right out so when you pickup the pot you can tell its pretty dry, then gently ease back in with neutriets at about 500-600 PPM which should be a 1/2 dosage, then get up to the full dosage over a week, but keep that water PH at 7 and it will increase the PH of your soil to where you need it.