Mexican Official "Carrier Will Suffer by Keeping Jobs in The USA"

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member

LOL! She sounds like the open borders and phony "free" trade NWO globalist Democrats and Republicans aka Bushes, Clintons, Obama and the rest. Yeah Bill Clinton's NAFTA and Obama's TPP really help the average Joe and the Bushes are just as bad.

Carrier and Ford to keep jobs in USA. Apple talking about building products in USA. Because Apple engages in endless tax avoidance and "offshores" hundreds of billions in cash in Nevada. Maybe they need to start paying their fair share of taxes.
7 Corporate Giants Accused of Evading Billions in Taxes
Wow - all big supporters of the Clinton Foundation and the left. All tax cheats. Google, Apple, Microshaft, Starbux, the Gap and Amazon.

LOL! She sounds like the open borders and phony "free" trade NWO globalist Democrats and Republicans aka Bushes, Clintons, Obama and the rest. Yeah Bill Clinton's NAFTA and Obama's TPP really help the average Joe and the Bushes are just as bad.

Carrier and Ford to keep jobs in USA. Apple talking about building products in USA. Because Apple engages in endless tax avoidance and "offshores" hundreds of billions in cash in Nevada. Maybe they need to start paying their fair share of taxes.
7 Corporate Giants Accused of Evading Billions in Taxes
Wow - all big supports of the Clinton Foundation and the left. All tax cheats. Google, Apple, Microshaft, Starbux, the Gap and Amazon.

8 , you forgot Trump.

LOL! She sounds like the open borders and phony "free" trade NWO globalist Democrats and Republicans aka Bushes, Clintons, Obama and the rest. Yeah Bill Clinton's NAFTA and Obama's TPP really help the average Joe and the Bushes are just as bad.

Carrier and Ford to keep jobs in USA. Apple talking about building products in USA. Because Apple engages in endless tax avoidance and "offshores" hundreds of billions in cash in Nevada. Maybe they need to start paying their fair share of taxes.
7 Corporate Giants Accused of Evading Billions in Taxes
Wow - all big supporters of the Clinton Foundation and the left. All tax cheats. Google, Apple, Microshaft, Starbux, the Gap and Amazon.
Offshores hundreds of Nevada...

Derp derp derp flerpa derpa.
Thanks. You're not denying you lie and post bullshit.

i'm denying that completely, just pointing out your two-faced double standard where you hold a random internet person to a higher standard than the ROTUS (retard of the united states).

I never claimed the holocaust didn't happen, I claimed the 6 million figure is exaggerated

OP is indeed a holocaust denier, which a nazi like you loves to hear.