mexican bagseed anyone?


Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me about how there bagseeds turn out and how long they taketo flower. any pics to + rep for info. thx.


Well-Known Member
In years past, okay decades past now...I grew out several very nice and potent plants from seeds out of "brick weed" bags. As I recall, they were mostly sativa looking. Cannot remember how long I flowered them for. This was before i knew what a trichome was. I have seen some decent and some garbage. The problem is, there is no way to know for sure the genetics.


Well-Known Member
In years past, okay decades past now...I grew out several very nice and potent plants from seeds out of "brick weed" bags. As I recall, they were mostly sativa looking. Cannot remember how long I flowered them for. This was before i knew what a trichome was. I have seen some decent and some garbage. The problem is, there is no way to know for sure the genetics.
thx for info+rep.


Active Member
dont waste your time just get some seeds from a respected seed bank. why? well first, you'll know the strain and second, you can grow with confidence knowing the next months of work will result in some bomb ass weed...but if its your first grow maybe it would be good to learn off of some free seeds before spending money on something you might just fail on, either way good luck.

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
I gotta agree w/ the other posters. Get you some good beans that way you know the genetics. I'm currently on my first indoor grow using (probably Mexican) bagseed. In my 5th wk of flower. I went w/the bagseed to make sure I could make things work, specifically to make sure my well water was suited for hydro. Luckily for me it is and all seems to be going well except for not knowing how long they are going to take. From what I read Mexican is mostly Sativa and requires a longer flower time, but w/out knowing for sure and w/all the cross breeding all I can do is watch and wait. The journal is in my sig and I just uploaded some bud shots last night. So, unless you have some unknown conditions get yourself some known beans it'll save ya alot of wonderin :)

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
thx+rep.why not doesent look to bad from he pic. how did it smoke.whats lights
It smoked great and I had good yield, but it just would never fully rippen, 12 weeks is just too long and seems every seed, even out of the same bag, produced a different phenotype. One of the reasons i am doing a whole garden from a single seed, Next Generation, NY Purple diesel.


Well-Known Member
grew some mexican sativas last year for lack of quality genetics and they bloomed untill nov... thank god for global warming cuzz our season usually ends in late oct... lol... the quality was only decent on one plant..decent not dank


Well-Known Member
not all bagseed is the same strain tho so it depends iv got some growing now just looked at it it looks like the tricks are turning amber its the begining of week 8


Well-Known Member
not all bagseed is the same strain tho so it depends iv got some growing now just looked at it it looks like the tricks are turning amber its the begining of week 8

mexican bagseeds are mostly sativa dom hybrids leaning heavy sativa.. depends on were in mexico it was grown... the furthur south you go the warmer it gets so the more sativa the plants are cuzz the closer proximety to the equator

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its just a chance you take , i live in south texas we have a longer growing season i have had great results others have have not . if you have the time go for a couple bag seed grows then spend some money on the known genetics


Well-Known Member
I got some good ones a few yrs ago... 5 maybe. Turned into a pretty ok smoke... alot better then the brick they drop out of anyway.


Well-Known Member
I got some good ones a few yrs ago... 5 maybe. Turned into a pretty ok smoke... alot better then the brick they drop out of anyway.
That is generally the case. If you take time to get grow the plants out to their potential, you can almost certainly get better smoke than that which supplied the seeds.


Well-Known Member
from what i understand mexico grows straight up garbage.. i wouldnt even bother
then do some reserch..............its garbage because if you grow anything in bulk sun dry then strap to the back o a mexican that swims it accross the border by the time the adverage american gets there hands on it its 4 months later............


Well-Known Member
from what i understand mexico grows straight up garbage.. i wouldnt even bother
Back in the 80's and early 90's, you would be right...but not for the reason you would think. Being from Mexico did not make the genetics bad. It was grown with little concern for quality. The problem was with the methods of production and transport. These two factors made for crappy end product 99% of the time. Used to call it "brick weed".

Recently, the growers from Mexico have moved a lot of their operations north of the border. This bypasses the need for extreme concealment measures to get it up over the border. They have also started to use seed from distributors, which means there is little difference in genetics. In my book, it is still Mexi-weed because it is grown by them here, and the profits head south to the cartels.


Well-Known Member
the mexican marijuana is getting better man.... depends on who you ask.. ask an old fucker and he will rave about pure sativa from mexico in the 60's... but nowawdays the commercial weed from mexico is getting much better... much fresher, more potent... and mexicans are even tryna get into the domestic dank game to in our national forrests... tryna compete with canada