messed up transplant

aoR Monday

Active Member
Depending on how many roots were torn and how old your plant is it could but my opinion is no it will not die. This has happen to me before and it recovered after a day. Good luck. If your plant wont stand up stright tie it down.


Well-Known Member
if you've broken roots, give her a misting to help stop any wilting. Had the same thing myself yesterday,I've misted her a couple of time today, and taken her out of direct light. The thing is her leaves are now able to evaporate more water than the roots can take up. So any little thing I can do to help slow that down really...

aoR Monday

Active Member
I dont know if you should take it of 18/6 but i do no that no you do not put it in dark. how big of a plant are we talking? seedling?


Well-Known Member
No need to move her, you don't want to confuse her light cycle, just out of direct light, as you would a clone.
Mine are veging in a wardrobe, but I've put her in the door way, just out of the way of the more intense light...


Well-Known Member
Nah, I'd say just wait. When did this happen? (If she doesn't give up she'll keep going, if yuo see waht i maen bongsmilie)


Active Member
It's not a catastrophe, it's just less than ideal. Sometimes it is even done deliberately. A healthy plant will have no serious trouble but may need a day or few to recover. I agree with everything said above, especially about controlling the respiration from the leaves. I put a plastic bag over the plant for a day or two and mist inside it. Yeah, keep her on her regular light schedule but further away.

Next transplant remember that the soil holds together best when it's moist.


Active Member
ive ripped all the roots off one of my plants my first grow and it took like a week but it started growing again,you should be fine just try not to do it next time


Well-Known Member
OGKush Salvage Day 1 (5).jpg
Here you are my friend, how mine is. Pretty much the same situation; I had to take her out of soil and get her into clay pebbles yesterday, so you can imagine the root damage that would have caused, and yet she still goes.
Untill tomorrow maybe! lol!



Active Member
If the plant is shocked from transplanting, you see it pretty soon as sudden wilting. Usually they recover from that. But if it's still looking perky after several hours, I'd say it's doing fine. The thing to watch for is new growth. If she's doing that, she's happy.