Messed up flowering!!!

I need some help asap....i had my plants on 12-12 hour flowering for a week at my house, then my mom booked me growing these weed plants and i had to destroy them...little does she know i transfered them to ma boyz house which was empty:bigjoint:

The problem is i was forced to keep the lights on for 24 hours for 2 whole days...and now im thinkin of puttin them back on for 12 and 12 at a new secure spot

How fucked are my plants?
what are the chances theire gonna be hermy?
how should i go about this??
any help would be greatt



you're probably still early enough that there wasnt much stressed caused. Only a week into flower, shouldnt be bad. Just keep your cycles the same from here on out.

I wouldnt worry to much.


Well-Known Member
Yea, you should be ok..Put em back on the same time schedule as before, and make sure your dark hours are ABSOLUTELY dark... or consequences will follow. Good luck :)