

Well-Known Member
herd the roots, may have some trippy, kind of effect?.
dont know much, somone was just saying.
anyone ever grown these, for that purpose.?. for the effects of the roots when grown?.
supp to get a buzz?.
hfd 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
anyway i planted about 1/4 packet and they is about 200 plants all growing in the same pot, only about 2 to 3 mm each including tap root.
im going to leave them a week or so and then plant them on so they have more room to grow.
i am only growing them indoors, on the w.sill, cos its soooo cold outdoors.
it was so warm this time last year."in england"


Well-Known Member
they sell the seeds for these at nettos 19p.
like all netto seeds.
i use these for my garden plants"netto seeds", and they never let me down, any of the 19p seeds.
i got the obove packet if the mm from nettos.