Men should all be players, for the sake of all men!


Active Member
The world is changing! hah well not really, anyways, i've posted in recent threads talking about why women are bitches and men should be players etc..

I would like to start a topic on this because I am getting kinda of frustrated with how society is changing. Who am i blaming?


For giving women so much power these days..seems lately that alot of women disrespect men and I blame nice guys for this, we have women walking around using men (sissys) some guys are even blinded by this or even get use to the fact that the girl is using him. NICE GUYS PLEASE START PUTTING YOUR WOMEN IN CHECK!

What ever happen to being manly? I grew up in the 80's lookin up to people like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold, Chuck Norris, Van Dame, Wesley Snipes, Bruce Lee, etc u ge the idea..

I notice these new generation of men are getting soft! This had to been started in the 90's during the NSYNC and Backstreet boys time, because of those idiots women started liking prettier girly looking guys, take Orlando Bloom for instant hah women go crazy over him.

It works out for me tho, I am confident during any type of hardcore manly action, when things break i don't even finch. Just last week, someone broke a plate in front of alot teens (16-18 year old), i was in the room they all JUMPED Up WTF! I looked at them "what pussies" c'mon guys! stop being a wuss!


PS: Here's an idea if you think you are a nice guy, take a few beer bottles and break them when u get a chance and listen to the sound of that lovely bottle being shattered, don't be afraid, its just a little noise. Pee in public, if you can't just stand there as long as u can, who the f**k cares if anyone is watching?" DO NOT, DO NOT I REPEAT IF YOU ARE A NICE GUY, BEFORE YOU COMMIT TO A GIRL OR MARRY HER FIND OUT HOW MANY MEN SHES BEEN WITH and if its alot, DUMP HER. DO NOT GIVE THESE SLUTS WHAT THEY WANT, YOU ARE A PRIZE TO THEM THATS ALL, THEY FUCKED ALL THE ASSHOLES AND WANT TO SETTLE FOR YOU.

Instead, just be that player that all women want to sleep with, asshole/badboy whatever you want to call it because no matter what you do for your girlfriend/wife you will ALWAYS be 2nd place even tho shes committed to you, you did not give her that excitement in her life that she needs, she will always remember the badboy back in the day that made her life exciting. That's why you have to be that badboy now. :joint: