Meet The Philosopher

Hi guys im new here, im 20, i have been smoking since i was fifteen. I am
a cannabis horticulturalist currently starting school to become a botanist.
I honestly don't know much about philosphy but i love learning new things
and ive been known to be quite insightful, a wise man(i dont remember which
philospher said it) said that true understanding is realizing you don't know much
at all, i also frequent grasscity forums so if you're a blade you'd know me as
philosophy , i hope all of you are having a great day and much love to you


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Staff member
Hi guys im new here, im 20, i have been smoking since i was fifteen. I am
a cannabis horticulturalist currently starting school to become a botanist.
I honestly don't know much about philosphy but i love learning new things
and ive been known to be quite insightful, a wise man(i dont remember which
philospher said it) said that true understanding is realizing you don't know much
at all, i also frequent grasscity forums so if you're a blade you'd know me as
philosophy , i hope all of you are having a great day and much love to you
Welcome Philospher - we enjoy different perspectives here at RIU, the more the merrier.
Glad you could make it.