Meet Boris the Spider

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
So this guy has taken up residence in my veg room (His name is Boris).
I had a gnat problem that I recently treated. I figured Boris was only there to fight the war on the front lines. But now that I see no more gnats, he's still here. I have also seen a few baby spiders on the sides of my pots. Besides the gross factor spiders are good, right?

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
So I woke up this morning and went to water my plants, I found Boris dead. He fought the good fight against the blight of the gnats, so we gave him a hero's farewell. I will feel bad though if he starved to death cause I killed the gnats and didn't relocate Boris. Either way Boris the Spider is a war hero.

RIP Boris: August 29,2010 - Sept 8,2010