Medicating, or getting high?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm just curious about this one.

It seems to me, talking to anyone out of the US (not saying everyone, just everyone i've spoken to) considers americans slightly, well, retarded, over the way they talk about getting medicated.

What is your reasoning to talk about having to get medicated, or that you're medicating. My point being that you don't take a couple of aspirin and say you're medicated, or have a headache and say you need to get medicated then pop a couple of paracetamol. You simply say you need some aspirin, you need a paracetamol.

Is it a means of justifying that you're not getting stoned, but that it's medicinal, in which case in my mind, it is irrelevant, your law states it is medicinal, so why the need to justify it, who gives a shit what people thing, because however you phrase it average joe just hears getting stoned from cannabis.

So really, just curious, do you have any particular reason for refering to getting stoned, which is what it's about, as getting medicated, as opposed to just saying getting stoned, because it helps with your medical issues?

Because the truth of the matter is that you can refer to it how you want, but it doesn't cchange a thing, and it doesn't fool anyone, so why bother trying to beat around the bush. Is it a strange form of justifying what you are doing, or perhaps it is defending yourself against the shame you strangely feel based on what others might think if you straight out stated you need to get high.

This isn't a thread for hate or anything, i'm just curious, because it fools noone, so why bother?


Well-Known Member
If people are using it strictly to help a medical condition then why not? The thing that gets me is when people roll up a fat blunt and say they're medicating lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If people are using it strictly to help a medical condition then why not? The thing that gets me is when people roll up a fat blunt and say they're medicating lol.
That is partly my issue, but I also have issue with people saying they need to medicate. People rarely use this phrase, but with weed it is the GOTO term. Why not just say you need your weed, instead it seems to be I need to medicate. Seems nowhere but america has this. Be proud of your weed, don't try and hide what you are doing. While I love getting high, I also use it for medicinal reasons due to depression. But if people ask, I don't say I medicate or anything like that, I straight up say its weed etc. And everyone I talk to tends to respect that, even my parents, who straight up loath very drug there is because you're "escaping reality"

Why are people trying to disguise what they are doing, its legal!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Umm, because a lot of people use it as medication?
A lot of people use a lot of things as medication, but not many go out of their way to say they're getting medicated, they just say they need their pills or whatever.

I am not saying its not medication, I'm asking why it is people are terrified to say they need their weed, and instead state they need their medication. In my mind it is a negative thing, not a positive thing. Why are you hiding what you are doing? You're getting high, that's the point of the medication, why so much fear about simply stating it as such.


Well-Known Member
As for right now I think it's a knee jerk reaction, those of us who truly use it for medinical reasons want to distance ourselves from the "typical" stoner image and be seen as someone who is just getting a beneficial side effect from their meds, instead of the nasty ones associated with most pharmaceuticals. It's as if there is shame being brought to ones self when smoking weed and people feel a need to rectify it.

Edit: I'm a stoner no doubt


Well-Known Member
It takes longer to smoke a bowl than to swallow a pill.

And, I'll say "excuse me, I need to go take my meds." Not "Dude, I gotta' blaze a fatty!" Because, when I use regularly and daily, and to an amount that stops the pain, I stop getting high. I feel relaxed, but not high. And, I use regularly for management of pain.

I do like to twist ridiculous fat joints, and blaze with a couple people every now and then. For those occasions I say something like "Dude, lets go get baked."

When I walk in from my medication walks, I always respond to "High!" As a question. "Yep, nope, almost, just a medicinal dose."


Well-Known Member
Well there is the mmj thing, but, tbh, it seems to be upsetting to the English. (also to obsessive compulsive types)
I find it very entertaining. :p

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Thanks for that Mojo. There does indeed seem to be a "justification", but that is why I find it interesting. Almost seems that your legalisation has made it worse for genuine mecal users. Its something I've always said, the way the medical system in the US is, it turns the concept into more of a joke than anything else. I recently had a meeting with the owner of pretty much the most prestigious company in the field im looking at as a profession, with regard to work experience, references etc, my depression became a conversation piece and he was asking about medication, professional help etc, and I flat outntold him that I smoked weed to help me with it, and he thanked me for my honesty and said it was a welcome revelation, this coming from someone who's son started on weed and became a multi thousand pound a week coke addict. My straight forward and honest statement about my use of cannabis, including stating that it was as much recreational as medicinal, landed me with a paid period for psyological data analysis, a future apprenticeship, a reference, and help wording any university statements etc. Its a seemingly little know fact, but people greatly appreciate honesty.


Well-Known Member
I've seen this topic in another section here at RIU . I for one am a stoner. Don't look like one but am one. Shit, I stepped on my wife's burrito couple years ago. Accidentally, of course- anyway- back to topic :cool:

I am a stoner , I smoke for the high but also for the "effects" that make my thoughts wholesome. I can see the "medication" side. Some of us use the term "medicate" loosely. Its a PC term if you will. If I'm around certain culture class I'll switch it up. If im with the boys I'll say "toke" "burn" "blaze". What have you? Albeit I do use it for its medicinal purpose for my conditions. Mental issue conditions.

Fuckin helps a ton!!! IMMHR

blazin beyond realms


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I know people who say that but nowadays it's more of just an expression, another way of saying I'm gonna blaze or get high.
You guys have a fag over the pond right? Why not just say I'm gonna smoke some tobacco... Where I'm from (so cal) it's just slang to say I'm gonna medicate.


Well-Known Member
That is partly my issue, but I also have issue with people saying they need to medicate. People rarely use this phrase, but with weed it is the GOTO term. Why not just say you need your weed, instead it seems to be I need to medicate. Seems nowhere but america has this. Be proud of your weed, don't try and hide what you are doing. While I love getting high, I also use it for medicinal reasons due to depression. But if people ask, I don't say I medicate or anything like that, I straight up say its weed etc. And everyone I talk to tends to respect that, even my parents, who straight up loath very drug there is because you're "escaping reality"

Why are people trying to disguise what they are doing, its legal!
I think a lot of people are proud, but you have to remember how naive americans are. If we go around flaunting it, people will automatically judge us. It's extremely ridiculous. I hear a lot of people bash stoners all day. They vent to me about how stupid it is, blah blah, blah. Can you imagine if I said, I'm need to smoke a bowl. I also don't say I need to medicate, though.


Well-Known Member
I cant say I love getting high because being high is normal feeling I.dont like the sober feeling. But I do smoke to get high who doesnt its what marijuana does. I am also a card holder for my stomach(ibs) it helps relieve the cramping pains I constantly have(last three days have been pretty bad anything and everything upsets my tummy :( ). It also helps with my back pain that im currently going to the chiropractor for but to get the adjustment plan its 550$ which I.cant afford and currently get my 20$ adjustment when I In my mind I medicate to get high to be up there happy,no pain, no stress, and while high I still live a normal life go tow work everyday, work side work on weekend, help all I can when I can, im not a stoner or a pot head though I may refer to myself as a super stoner because of knowledge over all my friends when it comes to this lovely plant but just a guy who likes the high and pain relief from this plant I can grow and love to spread the truth ya sry I wrote a bit



Well-Known Member
And most of the time if I have a friend or with my gf and this said subject gets brought up I say " hey wanna smoke,hit a jay(joint),do some dabs,smoke a bowl,get high, or most of the time dont say anything just heat up the torch take a dab get another dab heat up the torch and hand it to em dont ask just give lol. But ya dont realy ever say medicate im a patient and do use it for real symptoms that really fucking suck so another answer



bud bootlegger
man, i love you more and more with each post / thread tip top..
this too, bothers the shit out of me.. i'm gonna go medicate, no mff'er, you going to go smoke a joint.. i'm going to go get some meds, no, no you're not, you're going to go score a bag.. god, it irks to me to no end..
i'd never say weed doesn't help people as that's just plain silly, but how many people who used to get high, now medicate ?? lots and lots i'd think, shit, i know..imo, lots of people use the whole medical thing as a front in order to grow and smoke their own, quasi legally.. i'm not saying everyone, but lots and lots of them for sure, and using the term medicating is just an insult to stoners the world over..
even magazines such as high time.. HIGH fucking times, shits even right in their title, have strayed so far from being about getting stoned, and the counter culture that pot once was, to a magazine about getting medicated.. i for one find it to be a slap in the face.. they really should think about changing their name to something more apt, medicating times or something along those lines, of course, imvho..

i could go on for days, but great post triple t.. :D


Ursus marijanus
A lot of people use a lot of things as medication, but not many go out of their way to say they're getting medicated, they just say they need their pills or whatever.

I am not saying its not medication, I'm asking why it is people are terrified to say they need their weed, and instead state they need their medication. In my mind it is a negative thing, not a positive thing. Why are you hiding what you are doing? You're getting high, that's the point of the medication, why so much fear about simply stating it as such.
Imo it is a bid for parity with the takers of sanctioned pills.