Medicating in Disneyland..making the magic kingdom MORE magical


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I am heading to Disneyland for a weekend soon. I am really looking forward to it, DL is one of my favorite places on earth.

I am planning on making a few dozen canna cookies to eat while in the park. I know that with all the people and security, smoking a bowl would basically be out of the question. I do have a camo one hitter and am thinking that as long as I go to the smoking area, keep downwind of the majority of smokers, I should be able to pull it off.

I am hoping that my med status will keep me out of any serious trouble, should I be caught but to me, as long as I was doing it in the smoking area I should'nt even be breaking a park rule.

Opinions & ideas for clandestine toking in the happiest place on earth are welcome.

