Medical Marijuana Question


Ok. Here it goes.

I was wondering how hard it is to get a medical marijuana license. Im not trying to get one so i can legally smoke, i really do have alot of problems that marijuana helps with and no other medicine ive been prescribed works.

I have daily migraines and i keep taking medicine that only covers up the pain, as it soon comes back. Ive had this forever but have learned to semi-cope with it as nothing works so far except marijuana. Marijuana relaxes my brain and to me it feels like it slows down all my functions and my thoughts arent rushing so it relieves all the stress put on my brain, to relieve the migraine. Allthough i have headaches still after smoking, a simple dosage of Excedrene Migraine will stop the headache, where as, 20 of these pills wouldnt help without me smoking marijuana

The MAIN PROBLEM i have is Anxiety. Ive had on-going anxiety for a couple of years now and no medicine my shrink prescribes for me works. Ive gone through MULTIPLE medicines for anxiety, and for all of them, at some point, i was on the highest dosage available for the medicine. It still doesnt work and its ruining my life. i HATE being anxious all the time, and i constantly pick the callus off both of my palms. My hands look absolutely horrible and hurt so much. If anybody wants pictures as proof ill be glad to show them. My shrink says in his 20 years of his profession he's never seen anything like my anxiety disorder and i need it to stop, as ive already lost many people in my life to my moods and meaness because of my anxiety.

I see that some people fake medical conditions for the marijuana, but i am 100% trustworthy as i really do need to be a patient.

What im asking is what is the procedure to get a license and the requirements also. I live in the Southeast, but when im older, i would highly consider moving to Cali just because i need this to stop for once and for all.

Do i have to live in Cali to be a medical marijuana patient, and would my problems be acceptable to become a patient?

If you happen to be a MM user, please list all the stuff you had to go through to become one.

I am in no way lying, or just trying to scam people out of reasons to become one. Im a marijuana smoker, and to me, its the only thing that helps, and i think this is why doctors prescribe it, because they understand the properties of the medicine and they understand that it does work for their patients.

