Medical marijuana oversight increases


Well-Known Member
OTTAWA – New regulations which increase oversight around the authorization of marijuana for medical use have gone into effect.

The federal government says the updated rules are a response to requests from medical licensing bodies to increase the information available to them on how doctors are authorizing marijuana.

The regulations require licensed producers of medical marijuana to provide quarterly reports to health-care licensing bodies, like the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, on how health-care practitioners are authorizing the use of marijuana.

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The reports — which will include information such as the daily quantity of marijuana prescribed and period of use — will be provided at the request of the provincial and territorial medical and nurse licensing bodies.

The federal government says the new rules will strengthen public safety and allow the licensing bodies to more effectively monitor the professional practice of their members.


Well-Known Member
"The federal government says the new rules..." Of course they fail to mention how this reporting is going to make the public safe. It is another tool to intimidate doctors into complying with the CPS attempt to limit access which in turn is spurred by intimidation and threats from Ottawa. What safety risk is there in not reporting how much weed was prescribed in a given month? It's only a matter of time before the doctors colleges finds themselves defendants in a class action. Harper is once again trying to do an end run around the SCoC ruling of reasonable access...he's just forcing the medical community to do the dirty work.


Well-Known Member
Didn't HC say in Allard that they want to revamp MMPR? One way is to see who has the balls to put up with the changes as they go to stay alive. There is not right not to fail as a business so HC can manipulate the system till they all start to fall one by one until only the strongest survive.