You’ve heard about it. You’ve read about it. Now you can buy it. Introducing the Volatizer®, a rapid-onset, hot air extraction inhalant device, more commonly referred to as a vaporizer, that utilizes the exclusive Vortex VolatizationTM concept and revolutionizes the fields of phyto-inhalation, aromatherapy, phyto-therapy, herbal therapy, and the use of both contemporary and traditional tobaccos. R.J. Reynolds and others have spent millions proving that vaporization or volatization substantially reduces the risk of cancer and other life threatening conditions associated with smoking. The Volatizer®, with its exclusive smokeless Vortex VolatizationTM process, allows you to vaporize or volatize the essential ingredients of herbs, other botanicals, essential oils and tobacco without burning them. The volatization process is also incredibly efficient. For example, as to herbs and botanicals, you only use a fraction of the material ordinarily required for a cigarette or pipeful of tobacco. So don’t let your health and your money go up in smoke. Don’t burn, Volatize with the M2 Black BeautyTM, a marvel of 21st century technology. Developed after years of work with a variety of alternative health practitioners who have been studying the physical and psychological effects of herbs, botanicals and essential oils, and the research of R.J. Reynolds and others into the health benefits of vaporization of tobacco and other botanicals over the conventional or traditional method of burning a material and inhaling the smoke. The efficient and smokeless nature of the Volatizer® represents a breakthrough in aroma and herbal therapy, and the use of tobacco. The Volatizer®’s patented, rapid-onset and smokeless nature renders obsolete the old fashioned methods of burning tobacco, herbs and other botanicals, or topically applying essential oils. Not only does it deliver the benefits of whatever material is used in an almost immediate fashion, thanks to its exclusive Vortex Volatization process, only a fraction of the amount of tobacco, essential oil or herb ordinarily used is necessary to achieve the desired effect. Experience the Volatizer® - Tobacco and Plant Essence Technology at its best - and you will never go back to yesterday’s technology. You’ve heard about it. You’ve read about it. Now you can buy it. Introducing the Volatizer®, a rapid-onset, hot air extraction inhalant device, more commonly referred to as a vaporizer, that utilizes the exclusive Vortex VolatizationTM concept and revolutionizes the fields of phyto-inhalation, aromatherapy, phyto-therapy, herbal therapy, and the use of both contemporary and traditional tobaccos. R.J. Reynolds and others have spent millions proving that vaporization or volatization substantially reduces the risk of cancer and other life threatening conditions associated with smoking. The Volatizer®, with its exclusive smokeless Vortex VolatizationTM process, allows you to vaporize or volatize the essential ingredients of herbs, other botanicals, essential oils and tobacco without burning them. The volatization process is also incredibly efficient. For example, as to herbs and botanicals, you only use a fraction of the material ordinarily required for a cigarette or pipeful of tobacco. So don’t let your health and your money go up in smoke. Don’t burn, Volatize with the M2 Black BeautyTM, a marvel of 21st century technology. Developed after years of work with a variety of alternative health practitioners who have been studying the physical and psychological effects of herbs, botanicals and essential oils, and the research of R.J. Reynolds and others into the health benefits of vaporization of tobacco and other botanicals over the conventional or traditional method of burning a material and inhaling the smoke. The efficient and smokeless nature of the Volatizer® represents a breakthrough in aroma and herbal therapy, and the use of tobacco. The Volatizer®’s patented, rapid-onset and smokeless nature renders obsolete the old fashioned methods of burning tobacco, herbs and other botanicals, or topically applying essential oils. Not only does it deliver the benefits of whatever material is used in an almost immediate fashion, thanks to its exclusive Vortex Volatization process, only a fraction of the amount of tobacco, essential oil or herb ordinarily used is necessary to achieve the desired effect. Experience the Volatizer® - Tobacco and Plant Essence Technology at its best - and you will never go back to yesterday’s technology.