Medi Cannabis Guy in Illinios


Greeting everyone!

My name is Sam an I am working on paving the road to Medical Cannabis being legalized in Illinois. I have meetings set up in Naperville and on the south side of Chicago at this point with more locations to come!

If anyone has a story about how Medical Cannabis has help them or someone they know, I would love to hear it. If you or someone you know would like to find out more about Medical Cannabis and meet like minded individuals, Let me know and I will give you the when and where on where the meetings are being held.

Contact your State reps and ask them to support SB 1381. They are there to represent us! To find out who your rep is do the following:

  • First do a google search using your "town (name) and then include the word "district". "town district"
  • Then go to and find out who represents your district.
  • Now CALL! WRITE! EMAIL! Let them know that this the right thing to do.

Like so many other humans, our State Reps have a fear of loss. In this case it is loss of their elected position for supporting Medical Cannabis openly.
Lets help them have the courage to do the right thing!