measurement of nutes!


Active Member
i'm gonna start using nutes on my 18day old autoflowering afghan kush. i've got bio bizz bloom, i have no idea how to measure how much to use? and the correct amount to use per set amount of water?

any help would be really useful thanks :)


Active Member
i'm growing in soil by the way. and i've read something about ppm, parts per million, but i don''t understand where, or how this works :/


Active Member
ppm is based off a tds meter. keep your seedlings around 400-500ppm. if you use RO water (get a 5 gallon jug and go to a refill station) and you should be starting off around 10-30ppm. tap water will start you off around 1000 if you have excellent drinking water (dont use it).. follow the guidelines that they show for how many ml/gal and then use a quarter up to a third of that. if it says use 15ml/gal, use 4 or 5. you are best off using an 2 or 3 part system. general hydroponics flora series or dyna-gro both make bad ass nutes that are very easy to use for noobs. ive done this for quite some time and will always use the simple systems. personally, id use dyna-gro grow, bloom, mag-pro, and pro-tekt. if it says give it 5ml/gal, give it 1-2.. that way you arent measuring out 18 products and unless youre a chemist, youre going to burn them. plus, its a lot cheaper to only have to buy small amounts of fewer items. nobody wants to grow a few oz of weed that cost $500/lb to grow.. go out and buy yourself a pH meter and tds meter if you dont have one. it will save you sooooooo much fuckin time. both can be had (for good ones) around $40. do not give seedlings (1-2 weeks) nutrients. the seed contains all the food it will need for the first few weeks of life. after that, for about a week, use anywhere from 250-400 ppm nutrients. then move up to 500-700ppm. once you reach flowering, if the plant requires it, go up to around 900 ppm. i flush with just pHd water for the last week.. some do two, but thats too long without food and can effect your final bud quality. thats what i use and it works well for me. hope that helps you. good luck growing. pm me if you have any more questions.


Well-Known Member
low res flyer_UK-English_72dpi.pdf

high res flyer_UK-English_300dpi.pdf

you should be using grow to start with and then once flower use both grow and bloom... also the topmax is quite handy - the other stuff you can do without..
start lower than they recommend (1/4 maybe) and work your way up..
if you do not have measuring equipment a teaspoon is usually roughly 5ml... so half would 2.5ml etc...

i'm gonna start using nutes on my 18day old autoflowering afghan kush. i've got bio bizz bloom, i have no idea how to measure how much to use? and the correct amount to use per set amount of water?

any help would be really useful thanks :)


Active Member
btw.. using a bloom nute this early is going to put your plants into serious nitrogen deficiency. you need the grow part. how a tds meter works: measure your pure water (no nutes or pH adjuster) and see where it stands with a tds meter (swish it around in the water until it quits jumping around all over the place). i cant express to you how much RO water will save you time and guesswork. then check your pH (same process.... oh ya, unless you buy a waterproof meter, they will be fucked up if you submerse them). then, add your nutes. check your ppm again. you shouldnt get anything over 400 at this time bc of how immature the plants are. pH adjust your water to as close to 7 as possible. 6.8-7.2 is about all the range i allow. if it is off too much, the plant will not absorb the nutrients. you will literally be running water over the roots and it do nothing and then your plants will wilt and be like "what the fuck??" i hope that finished answering the questions you asked.