MAYDAY! What happen to my ladies?!?!

Hey guys, need some questions answered. My Lowryder Diesel decides to go bust , just shy from its supposed harvesting date (see pictures below) ... is this normalll !?!? Any answers appreciated.


3 Days ago:



Well-Known Member
well what did you do diffenrnt in those three days, did you feed more, did you have higher temps. need info to help


Well-Known Member
I would bet on temperature issues. But as they are almost done, I wouldn't worry much. How are the bottom leaves? Do they look like this also? Or are they normal? My taller plants have been like this for a week or 2 but I can't do much about it right now.


Well-Known Member
Boy, that sucks. I see very little trich production.
I'd toss it and start with better genetics.

Oh looks to me like your drying her out.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Something went wrong, that is not normal. It could be deficiency, root issue, genetics... Sorry to see.