Maybe...A sticky situation


Active Member
Hello all.
I am new to the org, growing,harvesting..but not new to enjoying bud.
A situation has presented itself and I have "acquired" a plant from a neighbor. Poor old timer (part time gardner, full time stoner) had a massive heart attack and left behind a few little green friends. The poor wife is not going to keep his "garden" and as I mention earlier I managed to acquire one of his back porch females (he would have wanted me to). Getting buzzed with him will be missed. I want to keep the plant(s) going in his honor or something like that!
Now to the good stuff.........I have no specific time as to when they were planted..I would say about end of April beginning of May (living in Southeast US). There are three females in one large pot? I read on how to sex them and I am 100% they are female with many white hairs coming from all directions at the very top two-four inches. Plants are not one tall trunk but more of a Y with four "tops" and growing more sideways than up...?

Anyway, with these crappy pics can anyone tell me if I am on the right track



Well-Known Member
alright- 1st- they look beautiful!!

As of right now if you have 3 plants in 1 pot I think its gonna be too late to separate them- so remember next time around- 1 plant per pot- never more.

Give us some more info... as in like what you are using for light and nutrient levels- that would be a big help


Active Member
Thanks GraF!!
Yeah when I saw threee in one pot I knew they didn't jive with all the glorious pics posted here. As far as light/nutrients...I get full sun all day on my deck about 13 hours or so with no cloud cover(raised high so definetly safe) at night I have been bringing them inside...? I have been using distilled water and watering when kinda dry..about 2-3 cups a day...?I am sure the soil is Ortho potting soil. I was trying not to make it diffucult until I saw the white I am freakin excited!

I am reading up on things right now!


Well-Known Member
It's big of you to take over my man. I hope they do well with all three in one pot. They also seem to be off to one side in the pot, I just generally don't like that.

They look good and healthy, you must be on the right track. What kind of soil you using there? Do you know if it has a good mix of perlite?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey Pan,

I would ask his wife what watering technique your old buddy used?

Did he use just straught tap water or did he pH his water...?

This will be the key to your sucess..

keep us posted..

love NOW before you die...


Active Member
Thanks all. The votes of confidence have me patiently awaiting some good action....hopefully!