may this be a better experience.....

hi everyone. i used to be on another site that was a city full of grass, dont know if i can say the name, and after 7 months and close to 900 posts, i got suspended for sticking up for someone that posted something and another user flat out calle dhim a retard. so i stuck up for him, not realizing the person puttin him down was a mod. so i got susp. then my buddy called me a few nights later and said my other account was also not working, one i set up for him at my house many months before. anyway, i got kicked out perm. not bitching, just sayin i been following this site for quite some time and my buddy mcewel always has great things to say bout the ppl here, so here i am. i didnt know much before but hopefully i have alot to add tot he convo ppl havin on here. and btw, im currently on my 3rd master kush grow under 400w hps in a 3x3x6 grow box in a dwc bubble bucket. and yes its growin amazingly. this is my first hydro grow. im very impresseed so far and not as hard as i once thought, this hydroponic stuff.......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ya mean grasscity? ya man, heard of them. aren't they like the retarded kid down the street or something? :razz:LOL

welcome to the RIU. enjoy the forums dude bongsmilie