Mature plants outdoors in early July. Now what?!

Hey there everyone,

So I have some plants that I started about 10 weeks ago indoors and moved outdoors after about 4 weeks. So they are now almost 2.5 months old and are almost 5 feet tall.

SO heres my dillema, it seems like that have reached full maturity and I dont think they can get any bigger in the 6 gallon containers that I have. Its still early July and the natural 12/12 cycle isnt coming till September. So whats going to happen in the next two months? There are some signs of pre-flowers but i think thats just cos it has been raining for like 2 weeks straight and they prob thought it was fall. But its back to being 80 degrees now.

Are they going to get rootbound? Do I have anything to worry about or should I just sit and wait for them to flower?