Mass Super Skunk - The 'Analog' Cut


Well-Known Member
Due to the recent controversy surrounding this cut, I thought she could use her own thread.


This cut was found by Analog.selections who received her as 'Super Skunk' from Western Massachusetts.

By the time I received her, it was being called Mass Super Skunk with the caveat that it still needs verification. I asked Matt Riot about it in one of his live feeds and he said that it's absolutely NOT the MSS. He said Analog had contacted him asking the same question looking to verify and nope. Apparently MSS originally came from SkunkVA who has polaroid pictures which show a stretchy plant that produces spears and as you can clearly see in my pic, that's not what this girl is.


Searching through the old ICmag threads I found pics dating back to 2007 that look more like my girl than SkunkVA's. Then JJ from Topdawg makes a post claiming that this is the exact same cut he remembers as MSS from long ago. OutKast confirms it's the one she remembers. Here's a recent post from JJ regarding this cut.

So, I'm hesitant to say this is or isn't the legit MSS, but it's what many people around here in MA at the time remember as the right one. I got into a lengthy argument with Matt Riot in the comments of one of his IG posts which he ended up deleting shortly after JJ came in and said "All I'll say is this.. It's the exact same cut I grew back in the day." I'm almost of the belief that Matt is willing to come to blows on this topic if it came down to it, lol. My only point is that if it's a fake, it seems to be the more widely known cut to have that name and it does have a history anyone can find in the old icmag threads. I'm content attaching the 'Analog' tag on her and leaving it at that.

Here's some pics from other people known to have her. This is all the same exact cut. As you can see, she can express quite differently depending on environment/lighting.

I think that it is all about a strategy on the part of this Mr. MR ... Discrediting the others could be considered as unfair but sadly it happens often. Many "influencers" should be considered "bad influencers". New world, new rules... Nowadays it's easier to get relevance on social networks by throwing shit than accumulating own merits.
Personality aside, I value his knowledge of genetics history.

And he's right about the cut. It's not SkunkVA's MSS. The consensus is, that plant is long gone.

The issue here is 2 plants with the same name, and both have a long and documented history. It's a dilemma, and I don't have any solutions. I'm just documenting the info here to help shed light on the inevitable confusion people will have regarding this girl.
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Matt riot is full of shit. always has been. Like said above just causes controversy to stay hardly relevant Just name one strain that he created that you have seen or even heard about being sold today.... I'll wait
Maybe just a coincidence that there is no review thread for his "gear" on here
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Matt riot is full of shit. always has been. Like said above just causes controversy to stay hardly relevant Just name one strain that he created that you have seen or even heard about being sold today.... I'll wait
Maybe just a coincidence that there is no review thread for his "gear" on here

he reminds me of a teenager..
Is this the same cut that Topdawg is breeding with, that isn’t really the Mass super skunk? I’d think he/ they would know. Aren’t they all friends who kept the cuts like the chem 91 and chem d etc? I thought the mass super skunk clone was another one they all had and shared? 01B43A0F-D14B-480B-BFE2-BB299C70E6C2.jpeg
Is this the same cut that Topdawg is breeding with, that isn’t really the Mass super skunk? I’d think he/ they would know. Aren’t they all friends who kept the cuts like the chem 91 and chem d etc? I thought the mass super skunk clone was another one they all had and shared? View attachment 4720024

Not sure what else to tell you. All of your questions were answered in the first post. Just search through the IG comments of the posts I listed and you can see for yourself comments from all the original players.
Not sure what else to tell you. All of your questions were answered in the first post. Just search through the IG comments of the posts I listed and you can see for yourself comments from all the original players.
Yeah sorry. My questions were just to show what I was thinking. And I bought seeds from Topdawg, that have the Mass SS as the female. So I am still trusting Topdawg to be using the real Mass. Superskunk because JJ was one of the original people (with Skunkva and whoever else) to have been growing/trading etc with it, so his word has higher value to me over anyone else who was not there to get that cut when it was first grown and kept.
But calling it the “Analog cut” doesn’t hurt anything either I guess to let ppl know that it isn’t 100% certain what plant it really is. Thanks :peace:
SkunkVA's opinion should have the highest value over anyone because he popped the seed, and he says it's not his cut. Chemdog also has said Analog's cut is not the right one. So there were 2 cuts going around back then with the same name. JJ got the other one. Same one Analog has.
Ah, I’m getting it now. Ok I didn’t know Skunkva popped that seed. So Top Dawg is using the Analog cut (which is old but ppl mistaking calling it Mass Superskunk). Thanks for posting this and helping get it straightened out. Anyone making seeds with the real Mass SS?
As far as anyone knows, the 'real' MSS cut is dead. People have been looking for it for a long time now. From what I've heard and read about it, it was hermie prone and the high not all that great anyways. The terps, however, SkunkVA says were straight skunk spray.

I wouldn't say the Analog cut is fake though. It's just another cut passed around as MSS back then, primarily on the east coast as far as I can see. People like JJ and Outkast and lots of others here in MA remember this one, not SkunkVA's. So there's 2 old cuts with the same name. Both old and with a long history.

It very well could just be a super skunk that was found by someone in MA back then and started getting passed around. It seems like a real super skunk to me. I've run AKBeanbrains super skunk, and found some plants with similar terps and also that have similar structure. Leaves on his were more NLD, so they're not quite the same, but with some digging and selection into his line who knows. He also has my mss cut now, so I'd expect he'll be hitting her up with his prized male before too long.
It very well could just be a super skunk that was found by someone in MA back then and started getting passed around. It seems like a real super skunk to me. I've run AKBeanbrains super skunk, and found some plants with similar terps and also that have similar structure. Leaves on his were more NLD, so they're not quite the same, but with some digging and selection into his line who knows. He also has my mss cut now, so I'd expect he'll be hitting her up with his prized male before too long.
so what is his prized male exactly ? i pock up tidbis of knoledge as it presents itself. since i've had a tough time sleeping i just went back to doing strain research and hunting various cultivars. i haven'yt gone to sleep yet. i need that knock down weed smdh.