Mason jar vs. Latch jar


Well-Known Member
Mason jars are more convenient IMPO (no flopping lid), and could actually be used for canning food when the shit goes down.

EDIT: I forgot it seems to me the mason jars stack better too.

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Why do they need to be in opposition of one another? Both are practical for a multitude of purposes. Hence, I'm neutral.


Well-Known Member
The lids on mason jars can rust a little bit. I'm going to start buying the latch if I can find them at a good price.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Vaccum sealed plunging jars. Doesnt really matter though. Ill use an old peanut jar if I am out of mason jars


Well-Known Member
I currently use latch jars cause it's all I can find, but I just wanted other persons views.


Well-Known Member
I use both but do like the latch better cuz the seal is bigger so they last longer. The thin rubber on ball jars drys out after a while and isn't air tight.


Well-Known Member
I like the mason jars, imo it is just easier to store em. Might try a plunger top on this next harvest though, is there really any difference?


Well-Known Member
I always use manson jars....they havent worn out on me yet :) I dont know how long this mansons rubber will last...I cant even start to compare to the latch yet because i never use latch before, sorry.


Matt Rize

the bigger the better for me, and I can find huge mason jars and huge latch style jars. I use both without thinking about it. I suppose I prefer the latch style jars for my headstash due to ease of getting in/out.


Well-Known Member
Hot water and dish soap after every use.

Just washed all mine last night.

Only use jars for personal smoke.

Use turkey bags for harvest cuz no jars big enough to fit 1 to 2 lbs. Id have to have 50+ jars if not more to fit it all haha. That would be funny

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i use mason jars for storing bud and it deffenitly isnt completely airtight i can smell my but from outside the jar. sometimes even from a good distance. havent tried the latch jars might have to go buy one and try it out